More Than A Quarter Century Since Temperatures Were Close To Hansen’s BAU

The last time the team had a chance of being correct was Hansen’s June, 1988 testimony before Congress. A La Nina formed immediately after, temperatures dropped – and have never gotten close to BAU Scenario A again.

ScreenHunter_374 Jan. 25 20.44

The scam has been dead for over 25 years, and yet they keep milking it and bilking taxpayers for more and more money.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to More Than A Quarter Century Since Temperatures Were Close To Hansen’s BAU

  1. Billy N.Z. says:

    Scenario A? Holy mother of Moses,scenario C not looking good either. You just can’t make that stuff up.

  2. Billy N.Z. says:

    Ahhhhh,got it,BAU,bullsh$&t as usual.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Since Scenario C has been achieved, we must have either:
    1. Totally eliminated net trace gas growth or
    2. The whole thing is a load of rubbish.

    Since none of us is allowed to think for ourselves, we need to await further instruction from alarm central. Standing by………..

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