NASA : New Ice Age Begins In Seven Years

ScreenHunter_435 Jan. 28 11.23

About Tony Heller

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13 Responses to NASA : New Ice Age Begins In Seven Years

  1. Ira says:

    and the answer will be, oh, he’s not a climate scientist!

  2. phodges says:

    huh. maybe they got that one right

  3. Bob Knows says:

    NASA scientists are squarely on both sides of scientific conclusions. Hence, they are tossing darts. NASA are not credible scientists.

  4. Mike D says:

    Hey, he still has nearly 20 years to go to be right.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    By 1976 the Australian Academy of Science had issued a report that global Cooling was replaced by global Warming. Interesting that the change coincides with the 70’s oil crisis and the formation of the Trilateral Commission.

    The AAS has had a fine history with many Nobel science prize winners. Now, dissappointingly, it is reduced to being a cheerleader for the IPCC.

  6. Yogibear101 says:

    The EU’s reputation as a model of environmental responsibility may soon be history. The European Commission wants to forgo ambitious climate protection goals and pave the way for fracking — jeopardizing Germany’s touted energy revolution in the process.
    The climate between Brussels and Berlin is polluted, something European Commission officials attribute, among other things, to the “reckless” way German Chancellor Angela Merkel blocked stricter exhaust emissions during her re-election campaign to placate domestic automotive manufacturers like Daimler and BMW. This kind of blatant self-interest, officials complained at the time, is poisoning the climate.

    • Brian H says:

      “This kind of blatant self-interest minimal sanity, officials complained at the time, is poisoning the climate.”

  7. Donna K. Becker says:

    And now they’re touting the advantages of cold temperatures:

    Five Unexpected Benefits of the Cold
    Kristen Rodman
    By Kristen Rodman, Staff Writer
    January 28, 2014; 6:23 PM
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    With unrelenting cold bearing down on the nation, some may dread the dead of winter. However, the cold also brings with it some surprising benefits.
    1. Reduced Number of Tree-Killing Bugs
    Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive inspect species is known to feed on the bark of trees as larvae, ultimately cutting of the trees water and nutrient supply and resulting in the death of the tree.
    However, low temperatures bring hope for ash trees, as lower temperatures are known to kill more of these insects, according to U.S. Forest Service Research Biologist Robert Venette.

    In this Oct. 26, 2011 photo, forester Jeff Wiegert, of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, points out the markings left from emerald ash borer larvae on an ash tree at Esopus Bend Nature Preserve in Saugerties, N.Y. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)
    “Around minus 20 F, we typically expect around 50 percent of the insects to be potentially killed and closer to minus 30 F almost 90 percent of the insects can be killed,” Venette said.
    Another harmful species, impacted by colder weather is the gypsy moth.
    “It can only handle temperatures down to minus 15 to minus 17 degrees,” Venette said. “We think that areas that got colder than that will probably see fewer insects.”
    2. Better Recovery from Exercise
    A new study shows that the therapy method known as cryotherapy, the exposure of the body to low temperatures for therapy purposes, may be the most effective recovery method for runners suffering from exercise-related damage and pain.
    In this study, researchers used three methods of recovery, cold exposure, heat and rest, on runners with muscle damage to see technique proved to be best.
    Coolest Places to See the Northern Lights
    AccuWeather Winter Weather Center
    The Top 5 Least Known Dangers of Winter
    The results of the test concluded that the athletes who received cryotherapy gained back muscle strength more quickly and recovered faster than those who experienced the other two recovery procedures.
    3. Ice Caves Open Along Lake Superior
    Only accessible during the winter months in very specific conditions, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore ice caves along Lake Superior in Wisconsin, provide a memorable winter scene for those lucky enough to make the hike.

    Walls of ice encrust the lower cliffs where wave spray has frozen on the rock in Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. (Photo/U.S. National Park Service).
    Due to depth of the Great Lakes, the caves are only accessible by foot when the lake surface has completely frozen. A two-mile trek atop the frozen tundra is required to reach the caves, where various formations of icicles hang from the cliffs.
    Before heading out, adventurists should be sure to check with the National Park Service for the latest park alerts and ice conditions.
    4. Fewer Disease-Carrying Bugs
    Thriving in warm, moist environments mosquitos are usually most active from early summer through late fall in the regions of the country that do not experience warm temperatures all-year long including, the Northeast.
    As cold weather sets in, these insects, some of which carry the West Nile Virus, usually stop biting around 50 degrees and generally become inactive or die around the time of the first frost.
    5. Huge Winter Surf
    As pressure and temperatures differences grow during the winter months, more wind is generated, creating bigger waves along the Great Lakes, according to AccuWeather Meteorologist Brian Edwards.
    Waves along the Great Lakes have reached up to between eight and ten feet already this winter.
    Also during the wintertime, farther west, a sagging jet stream, stronger winds and colder air aid in fueling stronger storms that produce massive swells in Hawaii.

  8. Ian George says:

    Rasool coauthored a paper with Stephen Schneider titled:
    “Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols – Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate”, Science, vol.173, 9 July 1971
    One statement says it all:
    ‘In 1971, Schneider claimed that an 800% increase in CO2 would be needed to raise global temperature by +2 deg. By the late 1980s, he promoted the UN view that a mere 100% increase in CO2 would be enough to raise temperature by +1.5 to +4 deg.’

  9. TomE says:

    NASA scientist in deep trouble. He did not check to see the POTUS was going to say in SOTU that global warming was a settled science. A real career ending move for the NASA guy. Truth is not held in high regard by this administration.

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