This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”
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Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
Did it happen?
Are Zwally and Serreze the same dude?
Must see TV!
“If you tune in to Fox Business tonight at 9 PM, you’ll see something different.
CFACT’s Marc Morano, editor in chief of our Climate Depot news and information service, will take on Bill Nye, one-time star of the PBS children’s series the Science Guy.
John Stossel will host, so you know that (for a change) the facts will fall where they may.”
I’ll be watching the hockey game at that time but you can be sure I’ll look for the video tomorrow.
We know one ting for sure, that is Zwally’s* brain has been fact free since before 2012.
* is that really his name ? Sounds like some kinda kumbayah left over.
Reblogged this on makeaneffort and commented:
The Arctic could be nearly be ice-free by 2012… then again it could be nearly frozen over… or it could be nearly normal… or…
We must believe everything someone from NASA says, and then panic and do whatever they tell us to.
If you think putting the initials NASA in front for someone’s name means they’re the best there is and totally objective , think a little harder.
Just a question, whatever happens to these people after they are shown to be so wrong so often?
>Just a question, whatever happens to these people after they are shown to be so wrong so often?
They get an award, just like Antarctica climate buffoon Chris Turner has received while he continues to wait in limbo to get back home.
I’m sure NASA is doing interviews to show us why they can’t find any 2012 ice, so it is 2012 ice free.
In fact, it looks like much of the 2012 ice is still there ~ now, it’s building up as old ice.
The tipping point must have happened in 2012, beause…..
“The Data from Europe’s Cryosat spacecraft suggests there were almost 9,000 cu km of ice at the end of this year’s melt season.
“This is close to 50% more than in the corresponding period in 2012.”
“”The Arctic is screaming,” said Mark Serreze, senior scientist at the government’s snow and ice data center in Boulder, Colorado.”
Must be them drownin poley bears 🙁
Turney and his ‘ship of fools’ went to the wrong ocean!
Yet another fiasco in the works:
“In the spring of 2015, I will descend on an iceberg in Greenland, together with some 300 kilos of dehydrated food, electronic equipment and a survival capsule. Survival capsules are sort of floating Kevlar saucers, four meters in diameter, which are used as lifeboats on oil platforms. I will live in the capsule on the iceberg until it melts—which generally happens within eight months—or up to a maximum of one year. Then, I’ll go adrift in the Atlantic Ocean, inside my capsule again, until I wash ashore.”
He will go blind and grow hair on his palms.
Sounds like he is broke. And I’ll bet he already has hair on his palms.
So, does he think that when (if) the iceberg calves his capsule and it’s contents will survive that? He should practice first by placing his capsule on top of a 20-story building, loading it up with dehydrated food and electronic equipment, climbing into it and then having somebody push the “survival capsule” off the building. He could be in for a very brief shock.
This is Gore’s actual statement:
“Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months will be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” Gore said. His office later said he meant nearly ice-free, because ice would be expected to survive in island channels and other locations
Ah, very good. Now what was Zsa-Zsa Gabor’s role in that?
We need a moratorium on rescue missions for ecoloons who think they can survive on the icecaps because they’re fading away.
Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:
I used to believe this.