NOAA Cooling US Past 0.5C Relative To GISS 1999

Graph below overlays NCDC US temperatures (blue) on the 1999 GISS version (red.)

ScreenHunter_1853 Jan. 15 20.38

Climate at a Glance | Time Series

fig1x.gif (500×182)

Perhaps Enron accountants found new jobs?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to NOAA Cooling US Past 0.5C Relative To GISS 1999

  1. daveburton says:

    1934 and 1998 were both unusually warm “peak” temperature years. I see that you’ve aligned the 1998 peaks exactly. The difference between the two 1934 peaks is 0.65 °C.

    In other words, since 1999 they’ve warmed 1998 and/or cooled 1934 by a total of 0.65 °C. In the 1999 version of the data, 1934 was 0.54 °C warmer than 1998. But in the current version 1934 is 0.1054 °C cooler than 1998.

          1999 version   2013 version
     1934     1.46           1.2217 °C
     1998     0.92           1.3271 °C
            --------       --------
              0.54          -0.1054 °C

    Note that both sets of numbers are based on the same measurements. The changes are due to subsequent adjustments by NCDC and/or GISS.

    Most of the adjustments are unexplained. I tried to get an explanation of the adjustments from the CSRRT, but they didn’t know.

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