Obama Science Adviser Says That A Warmer Arctic Means A Colder Arctic

Holdren points out that temperatures in the Arctic have been rising at about double the pace of temperatures at the mid-latitudes, where the continental United States lies. And he cites research that theorizes the shrinking difference between the Arctic temperatures and the mid-latitudes is making it more likely that incursions of that frigid air from the “polar vortex” will happen more frequently in the future.

W.H. science director knocks climate change skeptics – Matt Daily – POLITICO.com

If you want to make your freezer colder, simply turn the temperature up.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Obama Science Adviser Says That A Warmer Arctic Means A Colder Arctic

  1. Anything is possible says:

    This is clearly the onset of the new Ice Age, as predicted by John Holdren in 1971 :


  2. Shazaam says:

    Ah yes, the creation of yet another “crisis”….

    It will be very interesting to hear how they will claim that their carbon taxes will solve the problem.

    Because you just know it’s coming…… (carbon taxes as the solution to the “climate change” problem)

    • Shazaam says:

      And you know there is a problem when you use Obama and “science” in the same sentence…..

      It seems the “flat earth society” is a far more appropriate relationship with the Liar-in-Chief than any reference to science…..

      Just sayin’ …….

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    I fail to see how reducing a temperature gradient increases the rate of energy transfer (i.e. incursions of the polar vortex).
    Seems there actually is no consensus on this topic, and AGW alarmists find them arguing both sides of the argument.

    • hunter says:

      Think of the challenge of religious leaders had in the early period of the Church. They had to reconcile much that is not easily reconciled. The AGW promoters have similar challenges.

  4. Climatism says:

    Is there any correlation between the 30% growth in Arctic Sea Ice Extent on 2012, and the “Extreme warm in the far North”?

    Is there any correlation between record cold 2013 Arctic temps, and the “Extreme warm in the far North”?

    Extremist Holdren coming to the defence of the 17 year non-global warming hoax. And once again the man-made “Climate Change” aka “Global Warming” theory remains non-falsifiable. Hot=Cold=Mild=Dry=Wet=Rain=Drought.

  5. “he cites research that theorizes the shrinking difference between the Arctic temperatures and the mid-latitudes is making it more likely that incursions of that frigid air from the “polar vortex” will happen more frequently in the future.”

    If you go into google scholar and type “climate change” you’ve got 2.3 million articles to choose from, or global warming gets you 1.1 million. I suspect if you look hard enough you’ll find research that theorises about just about any weather occurrence that’s imaginable.

    • Actually for climate change that’s only 1.7 million.

    • Justa Joe says:

      They’ve got a “theory” for everything, and if they don’t the Potsdam Institute, Pacific Institute, the Aggie Joke, the MET office, or any number of other highly paid outfits will come up with one in a couple of weeks made to order.

      What is unusual about a cold snap?

  6. pinroot says:

    “A Warner Arctic means a colder Arctic”

    This is entirely consistent with more hotcold and wetdry.

    • Billy N.Z. says:

      And that is exactly what we predicted. The warmer it gets,the more we freeze But if it gets colder,we will all fry. Or something. But the science is settled. Models don’t lie,it’s the climate that is wrong.

  7. stargazer says:

    Is there anybody in that administration that is not a laughable fool?

  8. Alec, aka Daffy Duck says:

    Where the DATA? I should be easy to find polar out breaks when the ice extent was large vs the last 8 years when the extent was small.

    I’m a layman so I don’t where to find it BUT here’s a big Measured hint:

    Major Florida Freezes….1977, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1989, end/stopped

    They tightly measure crops, and crop failure…. there have been no major polar outbreak large/deep enough to hit Florida since 1989!

    • gator69 says:

      Actually Daffy, the commercial orange groves that existed in the northern part of Florida until the 1980’s were all bulldozed and moved south. The freezes continue, I know because my family settled that part of Florida, and live there still. Not including the Keys, Florida is about 400 miles north to south, and Miami is a completely different climate than Tallahassee. What used to be orange groves as far as the eye could see, is now horse country.

  9. Robertv says:

    Dr. Jennifer Francis Warming is Cooling is Extreme Weather


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