Monthly Archives: January 2014

Global Sea Ice Area Averaging 3,000 Manhattans Above Normal Over The Last 11 Months

Global sea ice area was at a record January high on Jan 1, and has been averaging 3,000 Manhattans above normal over the last 11 months.

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Democrats Say 0.0001 Mole Fraction CO2 Will Disrupt Geology

Senate Democrats outlined the potential for large-scale economic and geological disruption from climate change — and insisted that the U.S. must act immediately. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said the evidence of climate change is already being witnessed in more acidic … Continue reading

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If Iceland Likes Their 1940’s Warm Period, They Can’t Keep Their 1940’s Warm Period. Period.

Arctic warmth in the 1940’s just didn’t fit the Arctic warming narrative, so NASA erased it two years ago. Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

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I Have A Pen, And A Phone, And A Staff

It is time for President Obama to sign an executive order ending the drought in California.

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Consensus Reached : 97% Of Climate Models Are Useless

97% of climate models are completely useless. The other 3% are as accurate as a stopped clock.

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Black Friday January 14, 1939 – 114 Degrees In Melbourne

13 Jan 1950 – Memories of Black Friday, 1939 THIS IS FRIDAY 13th

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Summer Of 1860 : Kansas Was Hot As Hell

But, apropos of hot weather, it must have been fearful indeed in Kansas. A letter from Manhattan, in that Territory, — how fortunate for us that it was not our Manhattan, — states, under date of July 19: “The thermometer … Continue reading

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EU Climate Chief Sees East Germany As A Model Moving Forward

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The Dictator On The Left Is Willing To Act – The Enabler On The Right Is All Talk And No Action

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NOAA/NASA Temperature Corrections Are Junk Science At Its Worst

NOAA/GISS temperature corrections are larger than the claimed trend, and actually reverse the polarity. No serious scientist would attempt to publish graphs which have an error bar larger than the trend, much less present it as settled science without any … Continue reading

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