Monthly Archives: January 2014

UN Wants To Steal $1 Trillion Per Year For Global Warming Scam

UN climate chief calls for tripling of clean energy investment | Environment |

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1971 Consensus – Mann-Made Climate Change Is Absurd

Study to See If City Life Alters the Climate Here – Study Will See If City Life Changes the Climate Here – View Article – NASA rocket scientists are much smarter now. They may not be able to send … Continue reading

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Obama Investigates Himself : Concludes That He Did Nothing Wrong

The Justice Department is facing mounting criticism after officials said they’ve turned up no evidence that would warrant criminal charges in the IRS targeting scandal, with conservatives now calling the investigation a “sham.” ‘Sham’? DOJ under fire amid claims IRS … Continue reading

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Hansen “Stable Climate” Update

Hansen says that the climate used to be stable and droughts used to be rare before we loaded the dice. A 1998 study by federal scientists, for instance, found that droughts as widespread and severe as that of the Dust … Continue reading

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Congressional Democrats Believe That Miami Never Used To Have Small Waves

  Democrats Plan to Pressure TV Networks Into Covering Climate Change – h/t to Dave G

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Almost 2/3 Of GISS Warming Is Fake

Graph below overlays GISS 1999 version in blue, on current GISS in red. Normalized to 1998.

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2013 Had The Fourth Coldest Afternoon Temperatures In US History

There has been no trend in US afternoon temperatures since 1895, and 2013 had the fourth coldest afternoon temperatures on record. The 1920’s through 1950’s were hottest. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

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Nuttercelli’s Fake “Lindzen” Forecast Had No Basis And Was Completely Fraudulent

Willis Eschenbach dug up a report on Lindzen’s 1989 speech, which Dana used to create his fake “Lindzen” forecast. Lindzen was criticizing the integrity of the temperature record, not making a forecast. Here is the 1989 report. ]]]]]]]]] LINDZEN CRITICAL OF … Continue reading

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Arizona’s Hottest Month Was July, 1894

Arizona July maximum temperatures have been plummeting since the 1960’s.

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January 11, 1898 – Adelaide Was 113F

01 Jan 1932 – “The Bruckner Cycle Theory.” h/t to Andy Oz

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