Monthly Archives: January 2014

US Purchased Alaska For Two Cents An Acre

THE ALASKA PURCHASE WAS A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT – United States Has Obtained Rich Gains for Payment of $7,200,000 — Records Show Returns Amounting to $154,000,000 Above Price Given for Territory. – View Article –

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1954 : Glaciers All Around The Northern World Have Been Melting For Several Generations

About — Polar Ice – How fast does it melt? An expedition seeks the answer. – View Article –

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Settled Science Update

Somehow, this doesn’t sound like 99% certainty. Arctic Ice Makes Comeback From Record Low, but Long-Term Decline May Continue –

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Global Warming Scamsters Celebrating 40 Years Of Ignoring Actual Science

Theory of ‘Greenhouse Effect’ Of Sun’s Rays Is Challenged – View Article –

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When The Big Earthquake Hits ….

People in LA are going to marvel at their own stupidity for having voluntarily given up their second amendment rights. RIOTS IN LOS ANGELES: The Toll; Some of 50 Killed in Los Angeles Violence Published: May 4, 1992 RIOTS IN … Continue reading

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January 16-20, 1908 – Melbourne Was Over 40C Every Day

Apparently BOM did not have a shortage of crayons in 1908.

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Climate Alarmists’ Worst Nightmare

Old thick ice filled up the Beaufort Sea during 2013. Alarmists have been telling us how important this ice is, and now that it has happened they are in angry denial. Shouldn’t they be happy?

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The Drought Story You Won’t Hear From NOAA

Except for the Communist left coast, the drought is over.

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Someone Is Destroying Archived GISS Records

On August 23, 2013, appeared as below. Sometime after Jan 1, 2014 it became an empty html file, as did all of the archived data. The very troubling news for the culprits, is that the archived page was also archived … Continue reading

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Mid-1960’s US Pivot Point

NASA hides the decline in US temperatures by cooling temperatures prior to the mid-1960’s and warming temperatures after the mid-1960’s. Note that according to USHCN docs, adjustments were supposed to level off after 1990 – but have actually increased exponentially.

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