Monthly Archives: January 2014

Learning To Think Like A Progressive

If I post documentation showing that Obama’s literary agents promoted him as born in Kenya, I get called a “birther”   A rational human being would call his literary agents “birthers”   I don’t work for his literary agents. If … Continue reading

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December/January 4th Coldest On Record In The US So Far

December/January so far, is the coldest in the US in 35 years and 4th coldest on record, with no trend since 1895. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

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IPCC 1990 : “there is no convincing evidence of an acceleration in global sea level rise during the twentieth century”

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Hockey Team Under Pressure To Produce Some Warming


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Record Minimums Outnumber Record Maximums By Almost 15:1 So Far In 2014

Looks like alarmists have a little bit of catching up to do.  188 record minimums and 13 record maximums so far in 2014.

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Hansen’s Data Tampering Cleared The Path For Mikey’s Fake Hockey Stick

Mikey chopped down Briffa’s trees to make his hockey stick, and his justification was that it didn’t match (tampered) GISS data. All of the red section of the line is deleted data. The Deleted Portion of the Briffa Reconstruction « … Continue reading

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Rewriting The Past At The Ministry Of Submerged Truth

In 1990, the IPCC showed that most long-term tide gauges were rising at less than 1 mm/year. Climate experts have since more than tripled the official rate of sea level rise, without any change in behavior of the tide gauges. … Continue reading

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January 12, 1888 Blizzard

On January 12, 1888 a blizzard arrived suddenly in the great plains, dropped temperatures 50 degrees and killed hundreds of schoolchildren walking home from school. LIVES LOST IN THE STORM – FEARFUL RESULTS OF THE NORTHWEST BLIZZARD. THE KILLED AND … Continue reading

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Christmas 2010, Scottish Wind Farms Shut Down Due To Cold

27 December  2010 SCOTLAND’S wind farms are unable to cope with the freezing weather conditions – grinding to a halt at a time when electricity demand is at a peak ‘Green’ Scotland relying on French nuclear power – The Scotsman

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How Will We Know When Obama Fixes The Climate?

Obama says that global warming produces more cold winters. After he fixes the climate, how will we tell the difference between a Mann-made cold winter, and a Barack Obama healed the planet cold winter?

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