Monthly Archives: January 2014

Settled Science Update

In 1997, GISS showed that the earth was rapidly warming from 1866 to 1900. But by 1999, they showed the exact opposite for the same time period. The 1997 version was destroyed on the Web Archive sometime this week, and … Continue reading

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NASA Destroying Evidence In 2011?

This inconvenient graph has been on the GISS website since 1999, and shows US temperatures cooling since the 1930’s. fig1x.gif (500×182) On January 18, 2011 the graph was wrecked and appeared as below for a while. Someone had likely tampered … Continue reading

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Another Destroyed Archived GISS Temperature File

As of  2013-12-23 17:43:18 This archived 1997 GISS zonal temperature record contained the text below. Now it contains no text. This can’t happen without someone intentionally tampering with the file. Annual mean Temperature Anomalies in .01 C selected zonal … Continue reading

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Santa Fe Saves The Planet

The city of Santa Fe has banned plastic bags, and thereby saved the climate and the New Mexico Sea Lion population,  but unfortunately they don’t know what year it is. The city’s Environmental Services Division had to mail hundreds of … Continue reading

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Important Historical Find

Dave Burton has located the original National Academy of Sciences 1975 temperature graph, on page 148 of this report.

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Important Reader Survey

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1999 Version Of GISS Global Temperatures Showed That All Global Warming Occurred After 1977 PDO Shift

The 1999 version of GISS global station data, showed that there was no long term warming prior to the 1977 PDO shift, and that all global warming occurred between 1976 and 1998.

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1999 Version Of GISS Global Station Temperatures Showed No Warming From 1860’s To 1970’s

This link hasn’t disappeared yet off the web archive. The 1999 version of GISS global station data showed 1877 as the hottest year prior to 1980, with the 1960’s/1970’s about the same temperature as 100 years earlier.

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UAH Also Cooling America’s Past

No one is going to accuse John Christy or Roy Spencer of being climate alarmists, but UAH temperatures have also significantly cooled the past over the last ten years.

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History Is A Thing Of The Past In The US

On January 1, I made a post showing the 1997 version of GISS global temperatures The archived link now leads to a blank page, as does all other GISS captures from 1997. All of these links worked four days ago, … Continue reading

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