Monthly Archives: January 2014

In 1908, Scientist Said Snow Was A Thing Of The Past In New York

Arizona Journal-Miner – Google News Archive Search

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Latest From Slimate Central

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @ClimateCentral The only reason …

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Global Warming Continues To Hit Colorado Hard

Last year was the second snowiest year on record in Fort Collins, and 2014 is getting off to a blazing start. Weather Webcams | Weather Underground

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Experts Speak Out About Global Warming

h/t to Dave G

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Global Warming Reaches A Dangerous Tipping Point

So cold that frozen beer likely for fans at Green Bay | New York Post

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A Generation Raised By “Value-Free” Progressives

Newtown-type mass shootings tripled in recent years: report – Washington Times The good news is that they learned in school to save the planet from global warming. h/t to Dave G

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Global Warming Bringing Monster Bunnies To My Parents’ Backyard In New Mexico

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With US Temperatures Plummeting For 16 Years, NOAA Only Cared About The One Warm Year

NOAA talked endlessly about the outlier year of 2012, but apparently has no interest in telling the public that US temperatures have been dropping like a rock over the last 16 years. rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt

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Hopefully Jimmy “Death Trains” Hansen Isn’t Using Any Fossil Fuels During Record Cold January

‘ James Hansen: Coal-fired power plants are death factories. Close them | Comment is free | The Observer   10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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With US Facing Record Cold, Obama Makes Cooling The US And Cutting Off The Fuel Supply His Top Priorities

Obama’s Second Term Is All About Climate Change — Daily Intelligencer

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