Monthly Archives: January 2014

Time To Start Eating The Dogs?

Helicopter rescue delayed as second ship trapped in ice Global warming strikes again. h/t to Michael D. Smith

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Global Warming Means Tweeting Any Random BS Which Pops Into Your Head

Twitter / JimHarris: Argentina in Worst Heat Wave …

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Don’t Look At The Frozen Ship!

In order to distract attention from his colleague stuck in the ice, NSW professor Steven Sherwood rushed out the stupidest forecast so far in 2014. A decline in ocean cloud cover projected in climate models points to more than 5.6°F … Continue reading

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We Can Print Money, Give It To The Chinese, And Then They Can Loan It Back To Us

Here’s something to watch in 2014: China’s debt. Although the odds of a full-blown financial crisis are slim, they’re not non-existent. The flash point is the burgeoning debt of Chinese localities to finance major infrastructure — roads, bridges, water and … Continue reading

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Fox News Upset About Lack Of New Gun Confiscation Laws – Hopes For Obama Comeback

Obama eyes political comeback in ’14

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Only A Complete Moron Would Attempt To Take A Ship To The Coast Of Antarctica Under These Conditions

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Huffington Post : Global Warming Accelerating – Planet To Be Unlivable By 2050

Global Warming Is Rapidly Accelerating The many scientific links in this comprehensive article about global warming, by Dahr Jamail, on December 22nd, make clear that climate change is accelerating, and that our planet will probably be unlivable by 2100, if … Continue reading

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Dictatorial Power Extends To Obama Appointees Too

Justice Sotomayor grants temporary Obamacare exemption to nuns –

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As Predicted By Arrhenius, Climate Refugees From The Overheated US Are Streaming Into Winnipeg

Winnipeg posts second-coldest December since 1893 – Winnipeg | Suzuki announced during the Vancouver Olympics that global warming had ruined Canada’s climate.

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Arctic Ice Thickness In 1940 Was The Same As Today

In 1940, scientists reported that Arctic sea ice had lost 40% of its thickness, down to 218 cm. Papers Past — Auckland Star — 14 December 1940 — WARMER ARCTIC That is about the same thickness as the Arctic currently … Continue reading

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