Professor Stuck In Antarctic Ice On Multi-Million Dollar Taxpayer Funded Boondoggle, Supports Carbon Tax

ScreenHunter_13 Jan. 03 06.03


Science is tremendously exhilarating. I am passionate about communicating discoveries and why they are important. I often give interviews and lectures to the media and in museums, universities, clubs and conferences.

Carbon Tax and You video, Sydney Morning Herald iPad edition (10 July 2011)

Interview, Films and Public Talks

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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29 Responses to Professor Stuck In Antarctic Ice On Multi-Million Dollar Taxpayer Funded Boondoggle, Supports Carbon Tax

  1. Bob Greene says:

    The carbon tax is a main tool of geoengineering the earth’s climate. Of course he supports it. The tax is for the children.

  2. philjourdan says:

    He has to pay for his rescue some way. So he chooses the taxpayers way.

  3. wwlee4411 says:

    Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
    Anything to keep that Government funding flowing. The sad part is, it works.

  4. Serious question. Are these shitheads going to do anything to help the Russian and Chinese get their icebreakers out? Or are they just going to smoke pot and listen to Neil Young records and blog about CO2?

    • You are assuming that these people know how to do anything useful?

    • Tel says:

      I’m pretty sure the Russians and Chinese crews feel a lot safer now, with those guys out the way.

      Prof Turney will meet up with proper Australian scientists at Casey Station… the same scientists who now are under pressure to get their supplies sorted, thanks to the recent distraction. I wonder how they feel about his media grandstanding?

  5. gator69 says:

    “Anything else you’d like to share with us?

    I have a popular science website (, a Google+ page, a YouTube Channel and a Twitter feed where the public can follow me on expeditionary work.

    I am currently raising funds to lead a privately-funded expedition to Enderby Land, a part of Antarctica rarely visited and for which little scientific information is available (the Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014).”

  6. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    An entire year of real science research has been compromised because this moron wanted to play Glowball warming activist.

    The price of his stupidity . . . He should pay for all the costs.

  7. gator69 says:

    Meltdown Alert! MSNBC’S Chris Hayes cries foul!

    “The right wing had a field day, pointing and laughing at the global warming believers, who just to be clear, are only a group of scientists risking their lives for no monetary gain and little glory in order to help save the planet,” he said defensively.”

    Yep, those deat defying climate monks work for free.

  8. Kepler says:

    The Odysseus Effect is in full force for this nutcase and his followers. The more arrogance that they exhibit, the longer that it will take for them to get home.

    “Clitantic Expedition Communication Director Alvin Stone: ‘Climate Warming Led To The Vessel’s Awkward Predicament’!”

    “Aurora Australis rescue ship told to hold position to potentially assist Chinese vessel Xue Long”

  9. squid2112 says:

    And it looks as though these morons may be stuck … AGAIN …Ahahahahah…. ROFLMFAO …Ahahahha

    The Lunatic Stuck Warmists May Get Stuck Again!!! And, An Important Point About Ice And Albedo

  10. gregole says:

    Whoa! Our intrepid explored sports quite a “spare-tire” for a hardened world-class explored. I didn’t notice until this photo here. Dude, get in shape before you venture into the wild. Tenderfoot.

  11. Streetcred says:

    Judging by the photo above, Prof. Turkey should have remained in the desert … he clearly cannot distinguish between his earhole and his icehole.

  12. Bob Knows says:

    I didn’t know the trip was taxpayer funded. Is there no limit to their waste of OUR money?

  13. Climatism says:

    The Führer Gets Trapped in Sea Ice (taxpayer millions wasted again on green BS)

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