Reader Quiz

There is snow on the ground in 49 states today. Which state doesn’t have snow?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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56 Responses to Reader Quiz

  1. Stefan v says:

    Er, the other eight? Ha, thought you could catch me with a trick kwestchun eh?

  2. GeologyJim says:


  3. Anto says:

    “When I meet with world leaders, what’s striking — whether it’s in Europe or here in Asia…” -mistakenly referring to Hawaii as Asia while holding a press conference outside Honolulu, Nov. 16, 2011

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:


  5. Chewer says:

    Possibly Missouri.

  6. gregole says:

    It has been nice here is southern Arizona, but it feels like a cold snap is coming our way.

  7. Chuck says:

    I wouldn’t mind this high pressure system to break down a bit and let some weather into NM. Be nice for the base to shut down for weather and get a little time off work! It is supposed to be 70 here tomorrow!

    • Winter storm warning for Cumbres Pass. I was planning on driving to Los Alamos on Friday, but travel is going to be a disaster the next two days.

      • Chuck says:

        Yes up north. Just a wind bag for the ABQ.

      • Anto says:

        It’s just your imagination. Adjust the RAW temperatures upwards and the precipitation numbers downwards, and it will be a perfect spring day. You’ll have nothing to worry about. Tshirt and top down on the convertible. You can still go to the BBQ with Dana, Gavin and James.

      • Bob Knows says:

        Unless you live at Cumbres Pass I would not be going up there this time of year. Not that 285 is a lot of fun in a blizzard. The snow drifts can get deep. Take care.

  8. I doubt there is any snow in Alaska. They say the poles are melting and isnt that near a pole?

  9. bwdave says:

    Is it Mississippi?

  10. Gamecock says:

    What’s Obama going to do about this snow inequality?

  11. Alec, aka Daffy Duck says:


  12. Gail Combs says:


  13. Gail Combs says:

    Otherwise California because they have a drought and no snow

  14. Edward. says:


    GISS et al – are all gonna have to rid themselves of a few MORE Temperature monitoring stations – more especially anywhere south of 30º in the SH and anywhere north of 30º in the NH.

  15. Larry Geiger says:

    It ain’t snowing, but. Often tourists get some great vacation time in the Disney metroplex in Jan. and Feb. But not this week. Yesterday and today, all day, misty and pouring rain and 45degrees. Actually, it might be worse than 30 with snow. 45 and rain (rain ALL DAY) is just plain yucky. Heavy cloud cover. No sun. Depressing. Mickey is frowning.

  16. Steve Keohane says:

    Not here, it is snowing and up to 36″ of white drought is expected in western Colorado over the next two days.

  17. james anderson says:


  18. Edmonton Al says:

    Al Gore is headed to Missouri. Look out. “The Gore Effect”
    But the people there don’t believe it. They said “We’re from Missouri, show me”

  19. squid2112 says:

    Which state doesn’t have snow?

    Shouldn’t that read “Which of the other 8 states don’t have snow”?

    On another note … a must watch video (in my opinion):

    >b>WOW: Poor Blacks in Chicago respond to the State of the Union

    • stewart pid says:

      There are some disillusioned folks in that video squid. And Obozo is making job creation even harder with the high energy prices / green schemo dreamo policies.

  20. Guam. It tipped over finally, & all the warm-climate-caused snow washed off.

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