Same Vermin, Different Generation

ScreenHunter_271 Jan. 23 11.26

The Telegraph 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Same Vermin, Different Generation

  1. Kent Clizbe says:


    Here’s an article that is just dying for a rebuttal:

    Miami Beach – Len Berry was relaxing with colleagues on a hotel patio here one evening last October when one of them shouted, “Look! It’s happening!” Peering over the railing, the group could see water pushing up onto the street below from storm sewer drains – something that thanks to sea level rise has been happening with increasing frequency in this low-lying resort city. Berry, director of Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies, says he and the others were in town to attend a conference on climate change when they got this first-hand view of the crisis.

    Kent Clizbe

    [email protected]

    571 217 0714

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