Santa Fe Saves The Planet

The city of Santa Fe has banned plastic bags, and thereby saved the climate and the New Mexico Sea Lion population,  but unfortunately they don’t know what year it is.

The city’s Environmental Services Division had to mail hundreds of local businesses two separate letters about the looming plastic bag ban after the first one included the wrong implementation date.

The ban goes into effect in 2014, not in 2013 as the letter stated.

Error forces city to send second mailing – The Santa Fe New Mexican: Local News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Santa Fe Saves The Planet

  1. Kepler says:

    How many trees will Santa Fe be planting each month to remain carbon neutral with this program? More paper bags means fewer trees and more CO2.

    Maybe they should partner with Professor Turney who promised, before he set sail, to plant 800 kauri trees to keep his voyage carbon neutral. That count must be in the tens of thousands of kauri trees by now.

    • Bob Greene says:

      Over 90% of the paper pulp comes from trees grown for that purpose, so using paper bags would be recycling the carbon. The bags themselves can be made of recycled paper. If you are into the green thing, you can get all kinds of warm fuzzies about paper, even when something leaks through the paper all over you and your car or breaks because the paper isn’t strong enough.

      Maybe the good professor should plant apples. By the time this fiasco is over, Australia could be green and fruitful. Aw shucks, “Johnny Appleseed” is already taken.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    I can breathe easier knowing that the citizens of Santa Fe have lined up and are doing their collective duty to save the planet. I’m sure they will be happy to ban paper next month.

    If I were in the retail sales business like a grocery store, I’d be all in favor of these bans. The bans cut operating expenses and I get to sell the replacement, reusable bags. Sam’s Clubs don’t provide any bags of any sort. If the customers want their purchases packaged, they can get used boxes, saving Sam’s the cost of handling and disposal.

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