Settled, Honest Science Update

Experts told the NFL that global warming made a Superbowl possible in New York.

Now that near record cold appears headed for the Superbowl,  experts say that they always predicted extreme cold due to global warming.

ScreenHunter_176 Jan. 21 07.43

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Settled, Honest Science Update

  1. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    The wrath of the Great White North be upon the NFL for listening to climate “experts”.

  2. EW3 says:

    The game starts at 6:30 PM. Will be a mighty chilly 2nd half.

  3. miked1947 says:

    NWS is still saying 100% chance of snow today and a high of 35F. Currently no snow yet and temperature of 42F. Must be Global Warming! 😉

  4. Bob Greene says:

    If the NFL is whining it serves them right for believing climate experts. Football is supposed to be played outdoors in all kinds of weather, so what’s the big deal?

    • Starting with its inception in the 1960’s, the point of the Superbowl was supposed to be a warm winter vacation in the south.

      • Bob Greene says:

        Agree, but they broke that in 1982. January in Detroit is a vacation destination? Also, 1992, 2006 and 2012. So, why not NYC in Jan?

        • Ben says:

          Detroit was indoors. The coldest SuperBowl actual field temp at kickoff to date was Superbowl VI, in New Orleans. 39F at kickoff, 42F high, 24F low. The warmest SuperBowl was the following year.

        • Bob Greene says:

          Outside temp in NOLA 39F versus 16F and the remnants of an ice storm in Detroit. So, after the game, where would you rather be? I moved from NOLA to Michigan, if I had my choice of where to watch a game in January, it would be New Orleans. I still think football is an outside, mud,snow, cold, rain, sun, heat sport. If you want to play inside, the game is basketball. The fans will fill the stadium, no matter what the weather.

        • Ben says:

          RE: “So, after the game, where would you rather be?”

          That wasn’t my point. During the game, where would you rather be? Indoors in Detroit (70F), outdoors in NYC or New Orleans (below freezing)?

          All four of your examples were played indoors.

        • Bob Greene says:

          Ben says:
          January 22, 2014 at 8:33 pm
          RE: “So, after the game, where would you rather be?”
          That wasn’t my point. During the game, where would you rather be? Indoors in Detroit (70F), outdoors in NYC or New Orleans (below freezing)?
          All four of your examples were played indoors.
          All 4 were games not in supposedly warm weather areas. None of them vacation areas. I can and have dressed for cold weather games. New Orleans, you wander down to the Quarter and have good food, time and drinks. The rest, you go to your car after the game and, what? Outside in freezing NOLA with the Quarter a short trip away, I’d take that every time.

      • Chip Bennett says:

        The Climate simply wants to help Peyton Manning cement his legacy as the greatest NFL quarterback of all time, by forcing him to become the only NFL QB in history to win two Super Bowls as the starting QB of two different teams, to win a Super Bowl played in the rain, and to win a Super Bowl in the snow.

        God obviously loves Peyton Manning.

        Wait: Maybe Peyton Manning is the Polar Vortex!

  5. Alec, aka daffy duck says:
  6. John B., M.D. says:

    I’m all for a cold-weather Super Bowl, with record cold temps (which I can watch from indoors at a party). Perhaps that will show the “low information voter” the fallacy of CAGW.

  7. Justa Joe says:

    “Children Just Won’t Know What Pasadena is anymore”

  8. “experts say that they always predicted extreme cold due to global warming.”

    Correct all relevant texts immediately.

    Ministry of Truth Directive 24975HG-8d

  9. Experts have always predicted colder winters due to global warming? The only such predictions I can find were made after 1998. After the warming stopped.
    My new and brilliant theory: I propose that the earth is heating so fast that the sheer volume of the retained heat is drastically cooling the planet. In a chain reaction, the hot air sucks up all the heat on the planet, puts it into a large ice chest and then goes into the ocean to hide. Then, when no one is looking, the hot air comes to the surface, opens the ice chest and we become Venus.
    They don’t call me the world’s leading authority on all subjects for nothing. And I have the receipts and cancelled checks to prove it!

  10. Brian H says:

    Ever kicked or caught a hard-frozen football? Not fun.

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