Settled Science Update

Somehow, this doesn’t sound like 99% certainty.

ScreenHunter_1546 Jan. 11 21.43

Arctic Ice Makes Comeback From Record Low, but Long-Term Decline May Continue –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Settled Science Update

  1. GregO says:

    They’re baaaaaaack!
    And incoherent as ever.
    But heck, they got into the New York Times.

    “I’m not at all surprised there was a jump upward — we’ve never set two record lows in a row,” said Walt Meier, a NASA scientist who has monitored sea ice for years. “I would say I’m a little surprised the jump is as big as it is.”

    “We could be looking at summers with essentially no sea ice on the Arctic Ocean only a few decades from now,” said Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo., in a statement.

    Walt is a little surprised. Mark has an ice-free arctic scheduled, I’m sure, at least a couple or so years past his retirement; hmmm, “only a few decades from now”. That sounds a bit less urgent.

    My, my, how the story changes. Settled science and all. And these guys know what’s going to happen 20 years from now? Wow. Talk about loaded dice.

  2. Colorado Wellington says:

    You don’t understand, Steve. They are 99% certain that the Arctic sea ice decline may continue.

    • I am 100% certain that no matter what happens, they will lie about it.

      • Hugh K says:

        Climate Ethics Handbook, The Peter (Gleick) Principle — In the very rare case where propogating the lie is no longer an option, the climate ethicist must reach out to one of their many media support groups to parse the lie as having been the only remaining resource available to save the planet from big carbon.

      • Colorado Wellington says:

        What I don’t understand is how they lost the remaining 1% certainty.

        I am 100% certain that the Arctic sea ice decline may continue. And equally certain that it may not.

  3. Neville says:

    More likely they’re 99% certain that 97% of all ‘scientists’ agree that they’re 100% certain that humans are causing it all, so give them more money!

  4. catweazle666 says:

    Strange how these Cliamte McScientists believe that everything is linear and nothing is cyclic.

    As for chaotic…

  5. Billy Liar says:

    Floods in Colorado – drought may continue.

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