Shakespearean Climate Comedy

About 15 years ago, some very well known government scientists made the decision to exaggerate Mann-made global warming in order to get funding and attention. They thought it was OK to lie and tamper with data, because eventually their psychosis would play out in the real world.

The climate didn’t cooperate, and now they are exponentially tampering with data to hide the cooling trend.

But they have a problem. Cold Pacific water is producing a severe drought in California, and near record cold is headed towards the Superbowl. Do they continue down the desperately criminal path they have chosen, does someone from the inside rat them out, or do they try to change course?

You really can’t make up entertainment like this. Stay tuned.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shakespearean Climate Comedy

  1. I was just thinking last week it would be interesting to do a massive NOAA / NASA employee outreach and see if there was any interest in employees giving data tampering evidence / details to a truly anonymous reporting service, with the possibility of making contact later if the whistleblower could confidently establish that it was not a government sting / loyalty game.

    Most people still have a conscience and such a program might be able to find an insider Harry willing to talk (maybe lots of them). How to pull that off? I haven’t a clue.

    I suppose someone with such a conscience could pull a Climategate and leave the evidence on a russian server, but I think that takes someone with huge skills in removing traceability, and a rather large set.

  2. They tried to leave a suitcase bomb in Hitler’s office, they tried to shoot Dung Xiao Ping, many have tried to kill Castro. All have suffered the consequences. The only way to stop the Globa Nostra is to wait until Don Obama is out of office. Whistleblowing on members of the crime family when they are still in power will only get you concrete galoshes.

  3. Stephen Richards says:

    The liar in chief will continue to push it for them. It’s what happens after that.

  4. hannuko says:

    From all the old news articles Steven has posted here, it looks to me there were three groups of climate scientists in the late 70’s:

    1) The most vocal group was the one that was in the media claiming a new ice age would start.
    2) The group that feared the earth would boil because of CO2.
    3) The group that thought we really couldn’t tell what the climate was doing before it did it.

    When the cooling trend stopped in the 80’s and temperature started rising again, the group 1 was discredited. This rise in temperature gave the second group much authority over the issue of climate (after all they had predicted what was happening beforehand) and made it possible for them to gain high political power among their scientific field.

    I really believe they didn’t really cheat at the beginning. The cheating started when the warming that proved they were right stopped and started proving them wrong. It was obvious that their theories were also wrong, and those that really knew what they was talking about were in group 3. But group 2 had gloated in the spotlight for over a decade already and built their careers over this now failed theory. The fall would be hard and unpleasant.

    So instead they started looking for errors in their data. After all, there had to be errors, since they were correct although the data didn’t show it. This was still not concious cheating, but something that a brain does when it tries to resolve a cognitive dissonance: surely the climate is warming, even if the data isn’t for some reason showing it. To resolve this, the brain accepts any – no matter how unlikely – solution to this conflict. So they started finding the errors and fixing them. The more there wasn’t warming, the more errors needed fixing.

    But somewhere in the last decade they realised they were truly wrong. But it was too late. All the cheating, data manipulation, alarmist stories and money wasted is not something that would be conpensated with an apology. This was when they got desperate and started attacking anyone that questioned their dogma. Websites like Skeptical Science were recruited as a tool to shout out dissenting views. They know that they will be fired, ridiculed and even possibly sent to jail is this charade of theirs some day ends.

    I hope that happens sooner than later.

  5. The climate scientists were incompetent since the ’60’s, when lifelong incompetent James Hansen took over Carl Sagan’s (bad) “runaway greenhouse effect” idea, the (bad) atmospheric radiation transfer theory was brought forth and generally accepted, and the stability indicated by the century-old Standard Atmosphere was neglected and its simple physics of a gravity-induced vertical temperature gradient largely forgotten. But the cheating (going beyond incompetence) was more likely at the urging of politicos, i.e., the political Insane Left I have been referring to since Obama became President. I have previously hypothesized on this site that the Left went generally insane when Bush was elected in 2000, but the Democratic elite, especially the “environmental experts”, no doubt were insane enough during the Clinton years to coax their pet scientists to do whatever it took, including cheating. But there is still the little matter of whether the cheating goes back 25 years, rather than 15, as has been discussed here last September. In 1988, Hansen was already willing to cheat by locking the windows and turning up the room heat when presenting his “science”. So it seems clear to me (from our September discussion and the 1988 Hansen performance) that the cheating goes back that far–at least.

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