Shock News : Commander In Chief Looking For Someone Else To Blame

WASHINGTON – Former Defence Secretary Robert Gates asserts in a new memoir that President Barack Obama grew frustrated with U.S. policy in Afghanistan

That would actually be Barack Obama’s policy.

and that Vice-President Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every foreign policy and national security issue.

Biden is almost as stupid as his boss.

In memoir, Gates says Obama grew frustrated over Afghan war, calls Biden consistently wrong

He also accuses members of Congress of inquisition-like treatment of administration officials.

So Congress should have trusted the clueless, incompetent people in the White House?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Shock News : Commander In Chief Looking For Someone Else To Blame

  1. ralphcramdo says:

    “and that Vice-President Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every foreign policy and national security issue.”

    Buy a shotgun!

    • Bob Greene says:

      Great video. He’s right, about not needed 30 rounds. The way I’ve seen a lot of people shoot the one round they need might be well down the magazine. The last time I checked, the 2nd Amendment doesn’t have a needs test.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    We generally don’t tolerate people who always shift the blame to someone else. I keep wondering how Dear Leader and the Dems keep getting away with blaming someone else.

  3. gator69 says:

    It’s Bush’s fault.

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