Shock News : In 1977, Some Experts Actually Knew What They Were Talking About

ScreenHunter_1385 Jan. 08 22.48

ScreenHunter_1383 Jan. 08 22.41

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Shock News : In 1977, Some Experts Actually Knew What They Were Talking About

  1. catweazle666 says:

    Ah, bur Dr, Pyke was an engineer, not a climate McScientist.

    Makes all the difference, that.

  2. Rosco says:

    Let me get this straight –

    Cold air sinks because it is denser than warmer air and this increases the air pressure.

    Nah – that can’t be right – didn’t Trenberth prove warm water sinks to the bottom of the ocean ?

    Why wouldn’t the air – simply a less dense fluid – behave in the same manner ?

    • Dave N says:

      Because the oceans are magical.. they detect when alarmists funding is in jeopardy, and change to storing heat deeper down.

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