Shock News : Obama Lied About Afghanistan

Obama sent thousands of Americans to die in Afghanistan, in what he called “the right war” – which he never believed could be won.

In a new memoir, former defense secretary Robert Gates unleashes harsh judgments about President Obama’s leadership and his commitment to the Afghanistan war, writing that by early 2010 he had concluded the president “doesn’t believe in his own strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his. For him, it’s all about getting out.”

Leveling one of the more serious charges that a defense secretary could make against a commander in chief sending forces into combat, Gates asserts that Obama had more than doubts about the course he had charted in Afghanistan. The president was “skeptical if not outright convinced it would fail,” Gates writes in “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.”

Robert Gates, former defense secretary, offers harsh critique of Obama’s leadership in ‘Duty’ – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Shock News : Obama Lied About Afghanistan

  1. Pathway says:

    Hope Gates has a good life insurance policy.

  2. The Iconoclast says:

    I’m no fan of the President, but if you take a few minutes to watch the powerful and compelling documentary “This is what winning looks like”, I think you will be convinced that Afghanistan is an unwinnable CF.

    • What does that have to do with Obama lying about Afghanistan?

    • Bob Greene says:

      It is winnable if you apply the correct strategy and stick to it. You also need leadership. Based on Obama’s seeming belief that a good speech with all the right words is the be all and end all, we probably can’t win. Lack of ability and leadership. You are right, with him, it is unwinnable.

      Remember who said that this was the good war and who had a smarter strategy.

    • catweazle666 says:

      “I think you will be convinced that Afghanistan is an unwinnable CF.”


      It certainly is unwinnable while we treat poisonous swine who shoot schoolgirls in the face for desiring an education as decent human beings, send our troops into battle with a ‘Yuman Rites’ lawyer in their pack, prosecute and imprison them for killing enemy combatants, and give billions in foreign aid to the rogue state whose security service the ISI is arming and sheltering the terrorists.

      It is winnable if we stop faffing about and actually start eliminating the enemy wherever they are hiding – and that includes places like Tipton in the UK, too.

  3. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven, for the reminder that Obama is less than trustworthy.

    The challenge facing us now is finding a face-saving way for the “defrocked” former presidents to vacate their positions without fear of retaliation for having destroyed the government they once swore to protect.

    Was that perhaps the reason for meeting yesterday of Obama, Bill Clinton, and the two Bushes?

    For the sake of all concerned, we need to find a solution.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Interesting additional info. Obama apparently also lied about the Iraq surge. Politics excuses representatives from telling the truth, so it seems.

  5. Chewer says:

    Simply shocking news 😉

  6. geologyjim says:

    OMG! Bob Gates is soooooo heroic! He’s never going to get invited to another D.C. cocktail party!

    Oh! the pathos of it all.

    OK, I give him credit for calling a spade a sh*t-covered shovel.

    Why has no one from the Clinton administration ever come forward about the Serial Rapist In Chief, or the First Lady in Charge of Defaming Rape Victims (aka Director of Controlling Bimbo Eruptions)?

    Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, and others – – where are they now? And why are they not actively opposing Hillary’s campaign? C’mon ladies, time to call a bitch a Bitch.

  7. Bob Greene says:

    Obama lied? Surely not. I’m shocked, totally shocked by the thought.

  8. jst1 says:

    The President picked Afghanistan over Iraq to appear to be smart about foreign policy. It was a debate trick. For once, he had to back up his thinking. A man of substance? I don’t think so.

  9. Sundance says:

    With Obama one may end up with a permanently shocked face before he leaves office.

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