Six Years Since Robert Kennedy Jr. Blamed Sarah Palin For The Demise Of Snow In Virginia

Palin’s Big Oil infatuation
Los Angeles Times
September 24, 2008


In Virginia, the weather also has changed dramatically. Recently arrived residents in the northern suburbs, accustomed to today’s anemic winters, might find it astonishing to learn that there were once ski runs on Ballantrae Hill in McLean, with a rope tow and local ski club. Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don’t own a sled. But neighbors came to our home at Hickory Hill nearly every winter weekend to ride saucers and Flexible Flyers.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Winter storm warning in DC

ScreenHunter_132 Jan. 20 14.13

Warnings for District of Columbia, District of Columbia | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Six Years Since Robert Kennedy Jr. Blamed Sarah Palin For The Demise Of Snow In Virginia

  1. Sean says:

    4 day weekend for fed employees in DC. Whoo-Hoo!!

  2. Phil Jones says:

    I wonder if anyone in the Media is seeking Kennedy for comment??

    …. Or is Robert blasting around on a CO2 spewing Private Jet right now prosthetizing about Climate Change, sipping champagne, banging prostitutes, eating meat, and using more than 3 squares of toilet paper to wipe his ass… I bet so…

  3. John in Chantilly says:

    The year after he wrote that, The Washington, DC area had it’s snowiest winter ever…

    Snowiest Season = 55.9 inches during 2009-2010 winter.

    …which was then blamed on climate change.

  4. John in Chantilly says:

    Top snowfalls, 1960-2010, Northern Virginia (since RFK Jr was six years old)

    (wish we could html tag images… hint, hint)

    • Bob Greene says:

      Is that a positive slope I see in that scattergram?

      • John in Chantilly says:

        Looks positive to me. The highest seasonal snowfall in Virginia was the year after he wrote the editorial (73.2″ in 2009-10) A normal season is 21.2″ (Dulles). In the greater DC area, there were no ? 8″ snowfalls between 1900-08, ’09-17, ’42-57, ’67-78, and ’88-95.

        • Bob Greene says:

          The climate do-gooders get away with making absolutely stupid, unsupported statements like that. They get reported without comment by a press that is either too dumb to challenge or is just a lapdog, or both. After all, RFK, Jr., is famous and wise for being born a Kennedy, right?

  5. Bob Greene says:

    Schools closed and roads being salted 14 hours in advance of the first snowflake in Richmond. I may call in sick.

  6. miked1947 says:

    It looks like another false alarm here in E TN. We were supposed to have snow Saturday, it was a no show. now it is supposed to be snowing again,nothing yet.

  7. gator69 says:

    Yes Virginia, there is natural variability.

  8. John in Chantilly says:

    I love the the reminiscent stories of all the cold and snow we used to have (as anecdotal evidence of CAGW)…and as soon as the cold and snow return, suddenly snow and cold becomes more “proof” of CAGW.

    It’s very much like Alice in Wonderland

  9. oeman50 says:

    Kennedy is right. Virginians won’t know what snow looks like! Oh, look, there’s a flake! [Take that both ways.]

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