Solzhenitsyn Criticized Stalin – Then Sent To Prison

He was promoted to captain in the Battle of Leningrad, but was arrested in February of 1945 for veiled but unmistakable criticism of Stalin in some letters to a friend, in which he alluded to the dictator as “Whiskers,” the same allusion used in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

When he was only twenty-seven, Solzhenitsyn was thrown into prison because of “counterrevolutionary activity” and was sentenced to eight years of forced labor and exile by one of Stalin’s infamous troikas, courts consisting of three military judges.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn Biography

D’Souza criticizes Obama, gets indicted. Ben Carson criticizes Obama, gets investigated by the IRS. Reporters critical of Obama get charged by the justice department. IRS targets conservative political groups. Military brass purged.

Nothing to see here, move along.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Solzhenitsyn Criticized Stalin – Then Sent To Prison

  1. Robertv says:

    And he only uses a pen and phone

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Keep pushing but realize that the Reps are in the same boat as Obama.
    This IMO is the most important message to the American public.
    As long as they think the Republican Party is defending their interests they are wrong.
    Wake them up and clean up the House.

  3. Obamaoist campaign bundler gets appointed US ambassador to Norway. Republican campaign bundler gets indicted. The Alien & Sedition Acts are in full effect.

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