Spain Admits That Green Economy Sold To Obama Is In Ruin

ScreenHunter_08 Jan. 18 08.35

The story goes on to note that President Obama has cited Spain as an exemplar of an ecologically sound energy economy no fewer than eight times

Emulate Spain’s Green Economy? No Thanks, Mr. President | National Review Online


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Spain Admits That Green Economy Sold To Obama Is In Ruin

  1. nomoregore says:

    Zero don’t know much about anything. You get that way from a life of choom, coke, and Limo rides with Larry Sinclair.

  2. gregole says:

    President Sooper Genius does seem a bit stupid and gullible. Particularly as it pertains to energy and economics.

    Or maybe he just enjoys the feeling of power he gets when he shuttles money around to his buds. Screw the country must be his attitude; “bitter people clinging to their guns and their religion…”

    Really weird that this guy is president.

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