Summer Of 1860 : Kansas Was Hot As Hell

But, apropos of hot weather, it must have been fearful indeed in Kansas. A letter from Manhattan, in that Territory, — how fortunate for us that it was not our Manhattan, — states, under date of July 19:

“The thermometer day after day stood at 113°, and one day for a few hours it rose to 125° on the north side of the house, in the shade, yet there was but one case of sun-stroke, and that was not fatal. There is always a wind in this country, which makes it bearable.”

It is good to know that the weather at 125°, at any place, is bearable. Even at a much higher degree, it may be bearable. There is comfort for sinners in the thought. The Cincinnati Press of Tuesday says:


h/t to Jody

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Summer Of 1860 : Kansas Was Hot As Hell

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Extreme weather events that were signals of global warming at the end of the Little Ice Age?

  2. Andy DC says:

    If thermometer is accurate, that would be hotter than anything in the 1930’s. Any other supporting evidence of such extreme heat?

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