Sydney Morning Herald Turns Antarctica And Mathematics Upside Down

SMH claims that west Antarctic Ice is seeing a big decrease in sea ice, and East Antarctica a small increase.

ScreenHunter_1233 Jan. 06 06.40

This is a flagrant lie on all counts. Antarctic sea ice is at a record high anomaly of 1.5 million km², and West Antarctic sea ice currently extends hundreds of miles further from the pole than normal.

Chilly warning from scientists on impact of Antarctica changes |

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Even if their Western Antarctic disinformation were correct, how would a small increase combine with a big decrease to produce a record maximum? They are incompetent at math and science, and shouldn’t be reporting on it. No comment section, of course.

h/t to Andy Oz

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Sydney Morning Herald Turns Antarctica And Mathematics Upside Down

  1. pinroot says:

    I like the way the “small increase” is actually about twice the size of the “large decrease.” Are they that stupid, or are they hoping we are?

  2. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    If you can see the Southern Cross, words have a different meaning.

  3. Eliza says:

    Please stop giving the SMH any attention, They are 100% controlled by Australian Climate Freaks. The Australian press in general has lost it (except the Australian) LOL

    • Yes, I wholly agree: I gave up reading the SMH a couple of years ago to help reduce my blood pressure. More tellingly, my wife, who is infinitely more forgiving than myself, and whose morning ritual for 30 years has been to read the SMH with her morning coffee, insisted I continued our subscription if I wished to remain in a state of connubial bliss. But six months ago, one morning, as she perused her tabloid SMH, and I was enjoying my on-line subscription to The Australian (great value!), she came out with a most uncharacteristic “Jesus H Christ, this is a load of juvenile crap” and with that the subscription was cancelled. And that sums it up. With minor exceptions, it now reads like a puerile sixth form idea of what a newspaper should be. And that is because the few writers it still has are little more than teenagers suffering adolescent delusions of adequacy. No wonder its (and the Melbourne AGE) life expectancy as a printed paper can be measured in months.

  4. Hugh K says:

    Breaking — Overall Climate is Changing! Developing…
    Quite the scoop by SMH.

  5. Rosco says:

    Australia’s newspapers are in dire financial stress with declining circulations leading to huge loss of advertising revenues – most will be lucky to outlast the next few years.

    This is a global phenomenon but the Australian market is not much bigger than a lot of city populations around the world.

    One should expect outrageous claims from desperate people – it has always been the way.

  6. Rosco says:

    Another interesting statement – Water in Ross Sea becoming fresher due to melting continental ice.

    And here I was thinking the fresher the water the higher its freezing point -sea water minus 1.9 C versus fresh at 0 C.

    So at the temperature necessary to melt fresh water sea ice is an impossibility.

    • Well…not exactly. The sea ice would be melting, but very slowly, and it will be doing as much to chill down the water around it as vice versa. The air temp is usually lower, I think, so that would help keep it solid too. And long term, if the water actually is getting fresher, the sea ice itself is going to form at a higher temp.

  7. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Don’t knock it too much: when I read the SMH article this morning I noticed they are no longer spouting “its all melting we’re going to diiieee” stuff, which is what Hannam, Cubby and Arup usually do.

    Instead its now the ice is moving around. Woe! Its moving from here to there. Woe! And there to here, upside down and round about. Woe! Climate change and all that.

    The Silly can’t yet make itself acknowledge the southern sea ice area is actually rising. But they have moved from the dogmatic its going to melt away with whimper position they have had (although they went nuts over Sherwood’s UNSW its worse than we thought modelling paper last week, probably because they haven’t had one like that to run front page for a while – ice ice everywhere is so boring).

    One has to deprogram cultists slowly and steadily. I take this to be a good sign.

  8. TomC says:

    Take with a grain of salt. They have west Antarctica labeled as east Antarctica and east Antarctica labeled as west Antarctica.

    We’re all supposed to yield to the knowledge of these people who can’t even get basic geography correct.

  9. Gail Combs says:

    I wonder how many SMH subscriptions have been canceled recently with a nasty letter stating “Jesus H Christ, this is a load of juvenile crap” and comments on the Chris Mas Turkey and the Ship of Fools.

    Propaganda only works for gullible fools. If they wise-up and walk away you not only lost revenue you lost the all important credibility.

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