Tax Code Explained

Last night at dinner, one of my kids said :

Why do I have to give the government so much money, so that they can pass new laws preventing me from buying things I wanted to spend that money on?

That is why the White House wants to shut down the Tea Party. Dissent threatens the ability of the autocracy to force their will on We The People.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Tax Code Explained

  1. Robertv says:

    That is why the White House wants to shut down the Nation.

  2. catweazle666 says:

    At the age of 9, my daughter, while watching the Budget broadcast, enquired “why do they take all our money off us and waste it?

  3. oeman50 says:

    I actually call us Pe the Weople, seems more appropriate in this circumstance.

  4. Gamecock says:

    Before I was forced into retirement 4 years ago, the governments took 50% of my income. Government keeps screaming that I wasn’t paying my fair share. Ingrates. Taking half of my money, and bitching that it wasn’t enough.

  5. Sundance says:

    “Why do I have to give the government so much money, so that they can pass new laws preventing me from buying things I wanted to spend that money on?”

    Dear SG child. The answer to your question may be incomprehensible unless you have been completely indoctrinated in state sponsored Progressive education. This is where we learn that we are too stupid to know how to spend our own money or that we really didn’t do anything to earn our money so we need to give it to people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama to spend for us.

  6. anvilman says:

    2014 tax form has only 2 questions….#1..How much did you make last year? #2 Send it in

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