Temperatures In Melbourne Have Dropped 50% Over The Last 75 Years


BOM – Australian Climate Extremes

January 10, 1939 Melbourne was 44ºC. Yesterday it was 22ºC. If this trend continues, Melbourne will be covered with glaciers before the Labor Party gets their next Prime Minster.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Temperatures In Melbourne Have Dropped 50% Over The Last 75 Years

  1. Aard Knox says:

    It’s a great pity that the BoM staff don’t read their own climate education pages. They just might learn something about previous “unprecedented” angry summers.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    Apparently in Melbourne, ‘if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes’.

  3. Larry Fields says:

    I’m inclined to believe the report of declining temps in Melbourne. But is 50% fair dinkum?

    Thought experiment: Go outside on a cool Wyoming afternoon, and read the thermometer. It says 2°C. Then read it again one hour later. Now it says 1°C.

    Question: Does it feel half as warm at the second reading? Of course not.

    If we wish to make claims about a percentage decrease in temperature, it would make more sense to use Kelvins, or some other absolute temperature scale.

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