The World’s Stupidest People

TAR’s conclusion that “most of the observed   warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas  concentrations”.

Information Sheet 1 redirection

The climate ignored CO2 from 1940 to 1977, but once the PDO shifted in 1977 – Mann-made CO2 decided to get up off its lazy ass and really warm the place up.

ScreenHunter_1974 Jan. 17 21.52

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to The World’s Stupidest People

  1. All the warming from 1908 to 1942 doesn’t count because the bars are blue. Blue warming doesn’t count only red warming.

  2. All the warming from 1780 to 1850 doesn’t count because it’s not even on the graph. It has to be on the graph to be caused by CO2

  3. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    How is Phil’s Excel skills these days?

  4. Adam Gallon says:
    “It’s the sun stupid” makes it to the BBC!

  5. omanuel says:


    Modern science seems to have failed to recognize the common truths from science and spirituality. That seems to be the new frontier that will bring the most benefit to all mankind.

    E.g., Dr. Nicola Scafetta has an excellent new paper on “The complex planetary synchronization structure of the solar system.”

    “A Journey to the Core of the Sun”

    Chapter 2:

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel

    • omanuel says:

      Oops, Big Brother closed down the entire journal in one desperate last effort to keep the public from learning about sixty-eight years [2014 – 1946 = 68 yrs] of deceit disguised as “settled science,” “standard models,” “consensus science,” “post-normal science,” etc.

      This is, in fact, an encouraging indication that Big Brother is now on the verge of final collapse.

      They fight hardest before they finally surrender to reality, whether reality be

      1. The water a drowning man could float in, or

      2. The source of energy that is the creator and destroyer of every atom, life and world in the solar system.

      That is probably why many different religions have the same basic truths.

      “Truth is victorious, never untruth!”

  6. NikFromNYC says:

    De-trending the same HadCRUT4 data makes a mockery of the recent variation being claimed to represent a unique new signal:

  7. Mike Mellor says:

    As a skeptic’s skeptic I must ask if there is no human influence on the three big ocean oscillations. Unlikely is not the same as impossible.

    • The amount of energy being received from the sun makes human contribution less than a pimple on the ass of a mosquito on an elephant.

      • The global warming mafia has always maintained that sunlight never varies more than 0.1% in irradiance and can’t cause global warming, but now that the earth stopped warming, then all of a sudden the sun causes cooling. The Globa Nostra makes it up as it goes along.

        The sun is asleep, they say, and if we don’t stop making CO2 the earth will fry when it wakes up.

    • omanuel says:


      Scientists seldom claim anything is impossible, although they will say some things are highly unlikely.

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