Too Many Girlfriends

The guy on the right has about a dozen girlfriends. Saw them while out cycling this evening.

ScreenHunter_229 Jan. 21 21.56ScreenHunter_230 Jan. 21 21.56

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Too Many Girlfriends

  1. nomoregore says:

    I have a doe and fawns in my yard every day. During the rut, she sometimes has a buck for company. This can be tricky if I’m out there walking around in my trees and end up too close. I don’t want an antler in my liver.

  2. darrylb says:

    Planted some apple trees in my yard. Was going to fence them in the next day. Next morning:
    A doe and a fawn were standing by my trees which now had most of their leaves gone.
    I swore the deer had smiles on their face.

  3. Brian H says:


  4. Sundance says:

    Steve I am very upset and jealous as you can bike and I can’t because of all the snow and cold.

  5. Pathway says:

    Cold and snow are hard on mule deer populations while warm and dry make life easier, except for those pesky lions.

  6. Brad says:

    Too many girlfriends? Looks just about right. More deer for the coming years if the fancy dance was successful.

  7. Lance says:

    I have a regular stampede of does/fawns and the occaisional buck in my yard….last spring, 11 of them in my yard as i was going out to record temps/precip….(yes have photo too!)

  8. Robertv says:

    Soon forbidden song in the US

    gun, shoot , trigger, bomb.

  9. Andy DC says:

    I live only 5 miles outside of DC near a park. The other day, I saw 6 deer out in the open, strolling across the access road to our condo. They were very tame, walked right past the front of my car, taking their merry old time. They are cute, but I imagine they can be destructive and they cause a lot of car accidents.

    Lance, if you need any venison, you know where to come!

    • Lance says:

      Ya, my back yard…oh hang on….they have become almost pets!! Last night, for the first time, one of the fawns came right up to me and its nosed bumped me while it was “sniffing” me!! i guess those same does that bring their fawns to my yard year after year the past 25+ years have become used to me! I still keep the ‘distance’ though, I don’t want them to become pets….i have seen this at other places…need to keep them semi wild….

  10. Brian H says:

    You can discourage them by running after them with a machete, giving the odd one a shallow stab wound. They’ll stop nose-bumping you soon enough.

  11. Sleepalot says:

    It’s good to be king of the hill.

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