Tuesday Morning : 30 Below Zero In Illinois

ScreenHunter_364 Jan. 25 17.21


Weather Street: Temperature Forecast Movie

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Tuesday Morning : 30 Below Zero In Illinois

  1. Steve Case says:

    Oh I don’t think so, I’m 100 miles north of Illinois and the record here is -26°F.

  2. Steve Case says:

    OK it’s only about 60 miles or so to the state line – Sue me!

  3. Andy Oz says:

    This must be Vortex 2.0? And alarmists say the polar Heatwave caused this?
    Illinois could go carbon free this week and it would warm up.
    For starters you could turn every refrigerator off. There’s 1 deg C saving right there.

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