With Russia 10C Below Normal, Climate Geniuses Announce That Global Warming Threatens The Winter Olympics

ScreenHunter_441 Jan. 28 19.38

Global Warming Threatens Winter Olympics, a Win for Polar Bears, Corporations Care About Climate, Too | OnEarth Magazine

ScreenHunter_442 Jan. 28 19.38

10-Day Temperature Outlook

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to With Russia 10C Below Normal, Climate Geniuses Announce That Global Warming Threatens The Winter Olympics

  1. Bob Greene says:

    How can you take real data over the NRDC’s onearth publication? I love the NRDC asking people to bet on something happening 66 years from now. Most folks placing that bet won’t be around to collect or pay up. Isn’t some sort of flaw in a theory that can’t be falsified?

  2. Chewer says:

    Being 160 square kilometers below the peak 1979 planetary ice mass should be quite discouraging for the scheming, lying and downright disgusting warmist’s, even while using their own corrupt data…

  3. Andy Oz says:

    If the Ruskis let off 4 hiroshima bombs a second, following Mann’s recomendation, perhaps they’d be able to warm the place up a bit. I don’t know what they should do after they run out of bombs sometime tomorrow.

  4. It is I only says:

    &! That was said, by a “RESPECTED” scientist!

  5. Luke of the D says:

    What is the real temperature? This a temperature anomaly map. I’m not arguing, mind you, just curious. If the anomaly is -10degC but the temp is still above 0degC… well, I would worry about there not being any snow, in all honestly. Don’t get me wrong, it is the middle of winter, but I have seen maps that suggest Siberia and Europe are not actually this cold.

  6. Andy says:

    The temperatures for Moscow are currently listed as -19 degrees Celsius (-3 Fahrenheit) falling to -22C overnight, and forecast to rise to a balmy -14C tomorrow afternoon.
    The NOAA surface mean temperature map for today (30th Jan) shows it dropping to the -20’s C and below -30C the farther east into Siberia you go.

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