With US Temperatures Plummeting For 16 Years, NOAA Only Cared About The One Warm Year

NOAA talked endlessly about the outlier year of 2012, but apparently has no interest in telling the public that US temperatures have been dropping like a rock over the last 16 years.

ScreenHunter_13 Jan. 04 07.26


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to With US Temperatures Plummeting For 16 Years, NOAA Only Cared About The One Warm Year

  1. gator69 says:

    Outlier? How about out and out liars?

  2. catweazle666 says:


  3. nomoregore says:

    …and isn’t that AFTER upward adjustments? So, 2012 wasn’t unusually warm at all.

  4. Tony B says:

    Applying the alarmist reasoning to this year’s Arctic sea ice…one year doesn’t alter the downward trend.

  5. Lindsay says:

    I went to the link but don’t understand the data because ther is no key. Tried to go further, but the site requires a password.

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