Hope And Change

ScreenHunter_370 Feb. 08 12.03

Obama – Fail Deny Blame Golf Distract.Lie Repeat Bumper Sticker from Zazzle.com

h/t to Dave Stealey

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Hope And Change

  1. Lance says:

    My name is Obama, and I approve of this bumper sticker.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Golf is an honorable game. Should not be associated with all of those other bad words or a dishonorable president.

  3. Mike D says:

    Lie actually came first.

  4. Ragtag Media says:

    Haha, he was a pirate at a young age preparing to steal from others:
    Flashback: Barack Obama’s First Halloween Costume:

  5. Brian H says:

    There are lots more verbs that fit in there. Extort. Threaten. Steal. Subvert. etc.

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