Monthly Archives: February 2014

Party’s Over In The NWP

Five meter thick ice is being pushed into the Canadian Archipelago. The NWP may be blocked for years.   ictn2014022418_2014030400_038_arcticictn.001.gif (740×666)

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1974 Shock News : Climatologists Said Global Cooling Trend Would Lead To Erratic Weather And Famine

Lakeland Ledger – Google News Archive Search

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Dem Senator Thinks He Controls The Climate

It’s personal, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said. The impact of climate change on homes in the Rhode Island Democrat’s state gives his fight increasing urgency. “When I see little summer cottages washed into the sea when a winter storm comes, that … Continue reading

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Finally Some Good News During This Miserably Cold Winter

The IPCC said in 2001 that they have very high confidence there will be fewer cold days

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1974 : MIT Scientist – “I wouldn’t trust anyone who said he could predict climate”

Lakeland Ledger – Google News Archive Search

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Should RVP Get Three Points For His Field Goal?

How about those Red Devils?

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Blind Trust Of Academics

97% of academics were convinced during the 1990’s that Intel’s x-86 microprocessor was doomed. Companies like IBM wasted billions of dollars based on clueless academic opinions. Almost all Windows and Macintosh PC’s now are based on derivatives of Intel’s x-86 … Continue reading

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BBC Forecasts One Foot Of Sea Level Rise Per Year Until 2030

In the capital city, Jakarta, the main international Soekarno-Hatta Airport could be below sea level as soon as 2030, with outlying districts turned into lakes, says Singapore’s Straits Times, quoting a report from Maplecroft’s Climate Change Vulnerability Index. BBC News … Continue reading

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Preparing For The Hockey Stick

As of 1999, GISS showed that US temperatures (red) closely tracked 1975 National Academy of Sciences Northern Hemisphere temperatures (blue.) They both peaked around 1940 and declined rapidly thereafter. Hansen was concerned that the US wasn’t warming like it was … Continue reading

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Greg Laden Explains How The US Has Shrunk During The Last Two Years

Two years ago, the US was huge. 2012 Was The Hottest Year on Record (NOAA) – Greg Laden’s Blog But now he says the US is tiny. Weather Whiplash, and What Does (The) Fox Say? – Greg Laden’s Blog The … Continue reading

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