Global Warming In The Hayhoe District

Katherine Hayhoe sees global warming as a test of her deep evangelical faith in the holy trinity of Gore/Pauchari/Hansen. The less evidence of warming, the more faith is required.

The forecast high today in Crosbyton, Texas is 73 degrees, only 29 degrees colder than it was on May 26, 1953. A wonderful opportunity for Katherine to renew her faith in false idols.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Global Warming In The Hayhoe District

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Catholics are fully behind Hayhoe. They see a chance to make mo money!
    This ex-Catholic reckons its the blind leading the peadophiles.

  2. omanuel says:

    One of these days your sense of humor is going to get you in trouble!

  3. Chip Bennett says:

    Warmist ideology flies in the face of evangelical Christian ideology. In Genesis, God commands man to fill the whole earth and to subdue it (of course, we are also admonished to be good stewards of that which God has given us – including the natural resources He created). Further, and even more importantly, we are commanded to worship no idols, and to place no gods before our Lord God.

    The hubris required to believe that man can destroy God’s creation places man above God, and idolizes creation as an object of worship.

    God created the vast expanse of the heavens, and made life so fragile that it could exist only within a set of physical parameters the combination of which are so remote that the probability of occurrence is less than the probability of selecting a single atom out of all matter in the entire universe, to demonstrate to us that He, and not we, are the masters of our domain.

    We can’t stop a single tornado or a single volcanic eruption. Disrupt the climate beyond the point of no return? Now THAT takes a leap of faith that makes evangelical Christianity look like child’s play.

    • geran says:

      Chip, very well stated.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Warmist ideology flies in the face of evangelical Christian ideology… we are commanded to worship no idols, and to place no gods before our Lord God.

      Exactly, that could be another reason why the elitist warmists like love the whole global warming thing. I personally tend to not be that religious, but what really gets me is those fanatically irreligious anti-religious crusaders that just love to stick it to the religion of our founders, Christianity. Predictably though they are the first to line up in full support of extremist Muslims. Like, granting them insane Sharia law in US or European communities, or supporting the Ground Zero Mosque when for obvious reasons that was a totally crazy idea.

    • Gail Combs says:


  4. Tony B says:

    NBC national news last night covered the “possible new normal” of extended droughts in Texas.
    It’s bucketing down rain today.

    • omanuel says:

      If government leaders can isolate the public from reality, then the public is enslaved.

      That is why we must forgive those who decided to deceive the public sixty-nine years (2014 – 1945 = 69 yrs) ago in a desperate attempt to “save the world from nuclear annihilation.”

      Their motives were noble, but their method was a common human error.

      • geran says:

        If Internet trolls can isolate the public from reality, then the public is enslaved.

        That is why we must forgive those who decided to deceive the public for the last few years, in a desperate attempt to “save the world.”

        Their motives were noble, but their method was a common human error, called “self-absorption”.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Mother Nature has a perverse sense of humor.

      With the snowstorm greeting Obummer’s plane after the Copehagen disaster you would think the politician would take the hint. But NOoooo. Obummer has to rant about CAGW in the State of the Union Address and we get the coldest first quarter in decades.

      What is it going to take a glacier sitting on the White House?

      • Ernest Bush says:

        That produces an image in my mind that gives me some pleasure. Where is a conservative political cartoonist when you need one?

        • Gail Combs says:

          I loved the cartoon of the Climate Alarmist in an ice cube propped up on the steps with tourist passing by but I have lost the link.

          So I will give you this one and this one instead.

  5. -=NikFromNYC=- says:

    “But climate does move on its own.” – Goreleo

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Do hockey teams have cheerleaders?

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