Lots Of Global Warming Coming To Colorado This Weekend

President Obama says we are burning up and dying of thirst in Colorado. Gaia has different plans.

ScreenHunter_293 May. 08 13.49

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Lots Of Global Warming Coming To Colorado This Weekend

  1. Pathway says:

    About 13 F below average temp today on the upper Colorado River plateau but no moisture for the last 2 weeks.

  2. Shazaam says:

    I really hope we’re done with the spring-time global warming here. I’m tired of shoveling that stuff.

  3. R Shearer says:

    Thanks Barry.

  4. Wave after wave. Where is Reggie when we need him?

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Didn’t Glenn Campbell write the song “It always snows in Colorado” or something??
    Meanwhile here in Perth we are dealing with precedented Autumn weather.

  6. SMS says:

    Worked up in the Piceance today…………and got snowed on most of the day. Please, please, give me a little global warming.

  7. tom0mason says:

    John Coleman has missed this snow on his blog forecast but onthe plus side he says this about the WH and the report –

    The sky is falling. “Climate Change” is running wild and disaster is certain unless we immediately stop burning coal and oil and move quickly to “green energy” to eliminate use of fossil fuels. Heat waves, huge floods, powerful storms, droughts and rising seas are on the verge of killing millions of us and destroying our civilization. That is my summary of the new Federal Assessment of Climate Change issued by a Obama administration team of more than 300 specialists guided by a 60-member federal advisory committee produced the report. It was reviewed by federal agencies and a panel of the National Academy of Sciences.

    This 600 page litany of doom and gloom has received extensive coverage by the panting anchors of the national media who feel important when tell their audience that “the sky is falling.” Horrible pictures of storms, floods, drought and heat waves leaped out of the TV sets as the New York and Washington DC headquartered media…


  8. Eric Simpson says:

    Funny, looks like there’s a black hole, I mean ice hole, right in the middle of Colorado / WY sucking everything in from elsewhere.

  9. kalashnikat says:

    In Colorado springs today we had almost two inches of snow-pellets in a half hour…saw a couple of accidents and the roads were completely whited over in places…now it’s just raining.

    Gotta a get out my global warming shovel to clear the walk and my bullshoot shovel to clear away the new Government report.

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