Monthly Archives: May 2014

Life In The Age Of Superstition

Our best minds hope to stop subsidence through cutting off our energy supply. Florida Gov. Rick Scott has been mostly mum on the threat his state faces from sea level rise during this year’s gubernatorial race, but according to a Tampa … Continue reading

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Governor Brown At Epicenter Of Global Warming Stupidity

California is at the “epicenter” of global warming and other climate change, with the state experiencing longer fire seasons, rising sea levels and droughts that threaten agriculture, Gov. Jerry Brown said Monday. Gov. Brown: California At ‘Epicenter’ Of Climate Change … Continue reading

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It Is The Stupid, Stupid

Alarmists can’t understand why skeptics want to see the planet destroyed. Skeptics can’t understand why alarmists allow themselves to be useful idiots for unscrupulous politicians who have demonstrated repeatedly that no lie is too big, and that they are willing to … Continue reading

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The Clock Is Ticking ……

Nobel Laureate Al Gore predicted in his acceptance speech, that the Arctic will be ice-free in just over 12 weeks. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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‘There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.’

My ferocious dogs were recently seen guarding Mark Twain’s home in Hannibal, Missouri Note Tom Sawyer’s fence. Becky Thatcher’s house is across the street. Mark Twain grew up in spectacular spot, one block from the Mississippi River and surrounded by … Continue reading

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Coldest Start To The Year On Record In The US

Temperatures through May 17 have been the coldest on record in the US

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If NASA Says It, It Must Be True

145 Guardian readers approved of some moron’s appeal to NASA’s authority, because he didn’t understand the “fancy words” being used. 17 May 2014 8:55pm In 1971, NASA predicted a disastrous new ice age – starting in 2021.

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Guardian Readers Forecast Antarctica Will Melt At -110F And Raise Sea Level 60 Metres

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Why Do You Resist? Resistance Is Futile

A few weeks ago, CBS news announced that skiing is doomed – and wondered why people resist the consensus of thousands of scientists. DON DAHLER: [Porter] Fox’s book about skiing and the future of snow includes studies on how it’s … Continue reading

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Be Proud Of Your Accomplishments

Your choice of fashionable apparel.

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