Monthly Archives: May 2014

President Promises To Make Electricity Rates Skyrocket, And Have Americans Pay For It

[youtube=] The language which Obama uses is the language of a wannabee dictator, not a president of a representative government with a legislative branch and checks and balances. “I’m capping greenhouse gases” Meaning : “I’m making US industry non-competitive, while China … Continue reading

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Proof That Intimidation Works

The Times boldly publishes an article acknowledging the Stalinist intimidation tactics behind the global warming scam, but covers their rear by throwing in a huge picture of a house burning in California, which has absolutely nothing to do with the the story. Scientists in … Continue reading

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More Bad News For Alarmists

Last year was very bad year for Reggie, his rowers and his blowtorch – but things are looking even worse this year. The edge of the multi-year ice now extends across the Beaufort Sea, and into the Chukchi Sea. The … Continue reading

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Al Gore Says That Great Lakes Ice Is Disappearing

Nobel Prize laureate says that Great Lakes Ice is disappearing, and down 71%. Al’s Journal : 71% Decrease The Great Lakes have all-time record high ice cover for May, by 300% of the previous record. Last year was fourth highest. Democratic … Continue reading

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Finally : Proof That Antarctica Is Melting Catastrophically

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Put A Progressive In Charge!

The LA Basin sits on the San Andreas fault in a region which has 200 years of accumulated stress built up, so Governor Brown worries about non-existent sea level rise at LAX, which is 125 feet above sea level. People keep … Continue reading

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White House Chooses A New Global Warming Spokesman

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Measuring Greenhouse Gas Warming Of The Atmosphere

Satellite data provides continuous high resolution temperature information across almost all regions of the Earth, and across all the layers of the atmosphere. By contrast, surface data provides spotty low-resolution data which is UHI contaminated, tampered with, and scientists say suffers severely … Continue reading

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Southern California Never Had Fires Before You Purchased Your SUV


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Good Enough For Government Work

Looks like someone at GISS picked the wrong color crayon east of Argentina.

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