Monthly Archives: May 2014

Rare, Behind The Scenes Imagery Of A Leading Climate Modeling Team

After learning of the failure of their current climate models, the CIMP5 modeling team attempts to regroup.

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Planetary Emergency! What Can You Do To Help?

We need to put our best minds together to figure out how to stop this! Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

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Understanding The Corruption Of Climate Science

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing – Edmund Burke

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Tracing The Antarctic Scam

Ten years ago, Gavin said temperatures in Antarctica had “decreased significantly.” Shindell and Schmidt 2004 While most of the Earth warmed rapidly during recent decades, surface temperatures decreased significantly over most of Antarctica. Pubs.GISS: Abstract of Shindell and Schmidt 2004 … Continue reading

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“It’s Dead, Jim”

Hansen started this scam with : The direct contribution from CO2 is small, but feedbacks like disappearing sea ice amplify it, and we get exponential warming. The new scam bears no resemblance to the original scam: There hasn’t been any … Continue reading

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New Peer Reviewed Study : Atlantic Ocean No Longer Part Of The Earth

Tropical cyclones worldwide are moving out of the tropics and more toward the poles and generally larger populations, likely because of global warming, a surprising new study finds. Atlantic hurricanes, however, don’t follow this trend. Study: Tropical cyclones migrating out … Continue reading

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Great Prophets Are Permitted To Make Stupid Stuff Up

Obama making up numbers and spewing meaningless statistics last summer Midwest farms were parched by the worst drought since the Dust Bowl, and then drenched by the wettest spring on record.  Total BS   Western wildfires scorched an area larger than … Continue reading

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Snow Free Mountains Are A Thing Of The Past

We have 150% of normal snowpack here along the northern Front Range of Colorado, and rivers and reservoirs are already up to their banks. Government climate experts warned a few weeks ago that Colorado skiing is doomed.

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Preparing For Dramatic Climate Change

I’m preparing for dramatic climate change this afternoon, expecting to see a large increase in humidity over the next four days. I am packing away my Colorado road bike and getting out my Maryland hybrid bike (steep hills and rough … Continue reading

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Mid-May Great Lakes Ice Obliterates The Old Record

May 14 Great lakes ice cover is 300% of the previous record. 20140512180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007661848.gif (1100×850) The White House says the US is experiencing unprecedented heat.

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