Monthly Archives: May 2014

If You Don’t Like This Blog …

… feel free to have endless circular discussions lasting for years over pretend science elsewhere, and leave this blog for the adults.

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Obama Blames Poor GDP On (Unadjusted) Cold Weather!

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EPA Trying To Justify Their Economy Killing Rules Through Junk Science

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @EPA This claim is patently …

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Police Kill Baby In Playpen, Say There Was No Indication Of Children

(WAOK) Atlanta – A 19-month-old toddler was critically injured after a police flash bang was tossed into his bed during a police raid at a Habersham County home on Wednesday. “It’s my baby. He’s my only baby. He didn’t deserve … Continue reading

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A State Of Dark Ages Degeneracy

The Democratic Party and the press corpse (I repeat myself) have degenerated to a point where they refuse to report on or even listen to any points of view which don’t conform to unsupportable, mindless nonsense being spewed by the … Continue reading

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Al Gore Ice-Free Arctic Update

Nobel laureate Al Gore said there was a 75% chance the Arctic would be ice-free in 2014. May 30 ice extent is the highest in a decade. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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Colorado Permanent Drought Update

The Poudre River in Colorado is at an all-time record high streamflow for the date

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Meltdown Update : No Change In Arctic Sea Ice Over The Last 19 Years

Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

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A Visit To The Borg

One of the great things about living in Maryland is that I was able to go into DC for lunch and sit in on the House Science Committee hearing today about the IPCC process. Representing the Borg was Michael “we … Continue reading

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Understanding Progressive Algebra

According to progressive mathematics – the sum of a small positive number and a large negative number, is a large positive number. Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @MrBuff22 @KevinBuffalo One …

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