Monthly Archives: May 2014

Progressives Are Only Looking Out For Your Own Good

BORG: Why do you resist us? CRUSHER: Because we don’t want to live the way you do. BORG: Here it is quiet. There are no other voices.

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President Obama Unveils The Secret Ingredient Behind His Plan To End Billions Of Years Of Bad Weather

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The New McCarthy

Harry Reid blames all the world’s problems on Cliven Bundy and the Koch Brothers Charles and David Koch are one of the “main causes” of climate change, charged Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor. “While the Koch … Continue reading

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My Pee-Reviewed Missing Heat Study

Heat has been diving undetected to the bottom of the ocean, at a rate of millions of nuclear bombs per day. This missing heat at the bottom of the sea, shares a strange tele-connection with the troposphere (through the ethers) which causes … Continue reading

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The Community Organizer’s Climate Plan

People write business plans outlaying ideas, costs, benefits, resources, and expected return on investment. Obama’s climate plan doesn’t do any of these things. It is simply based on the idea that unilateral punitive action against the American people will somehow … Continue reading

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Common Core Vs. Common Sense

Yesterday evening I was cycling up into the foothills, when a very progressive looking gentlemen slowed down his progressive looking car and started yelling “lightning” at me. I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about because I hadn’t heard or … Continue reading

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Understanding The President’s Climate Review

Obama’s science czar believes that low cost, available energy is evil – so they made up a bunch of BS about the climate as an excuse to choke off the US energy supply. The Windsor Star – Google News Archive … Continue reading

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Donation Scoreboard

The response to my request for donations has been very gratifying. It is great to see the comments and how many people appreciate my efforts. So far, the top three countries donating are : Texas UK Colorado I have also … Continue reading

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Newcastle University Sustainability Experts Say Poor People Need To Have Their Energy Bills Increased

Fuel bills too high? Not according to Newcastle University academics After months of criticism of the Big Six energy companies for putting bills up, a study in the North East has said they are, in fact, too low.  The claim … Continue reading

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The Little Boy Who Cried Climate Wolf

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