Monthly Archives: May 2014

Antarctic Sea Ice Approaching The Largest Anomaly Ever Recorded

iphone.anomaly.antarctic.png (512×412) Climate experts say that they predicted expanding Antarctic sea ice all along, which is why they have been telling us for years that melting sea ice threatens penguins. Global Warming Threatens Penguins – Photo Essays – TIME

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The Environmental Movement Turns Against The Climate Fraudsters

The Obama White House uses selective enforcement of the law to push many of their agendas. One of their victims being the Endangered Species Act One of the nation’s leading bird conservation groups plans to sue the Obama administration over a federal … Continue reading

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Greenland Meltdown Update

The Greenland Summit Camp is buried in deep snow and ice for the second year in a row. Last summer they had to dig out and relocate several buildings, and this year looks even worse. summit:status:webcam Climate scientists continue to … Continue reading

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A Big Threat To The Global Warming Consensus

The global warming “consensus” has been maintained by silencing scientists through funding. Those who don’t tow the line, don’t get paid. 97% of scientists understand that. But as more scientists retire, their interest turns towards setting the record straight. Once they … Continue reading

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Guardian Believes That They Are Entitled To Spew Hate Speech

The Guardian, and progressives in general, believe that they have been granted special dispensation to spew rabid hate speech as part of their standard mindless non sequitur rants. What climate denial, oil addiction and xenophobia have in common: Neocons Progressives believe … Continue reading

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Understanding Global Warming, In Three Easy Steps

Government believes they can control people by controlling the amount of available energy Government believes that they control the amount of available energy, by cutting off low cost, abundant fossil fuels Government pays huge amounts of money to people posing as … Continue reading

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Closing The Gap

Just had an enlightening dinner with Bill Gray. An hour with Bill is more educational than a lifetime of reading global warming research. Bill explained tonight that the recent spell of ice ages (~3 million years ago) coincided with the … Continue reading

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The Virginia Bill Of Rights

This was what the founding fathers intended. Instead we got a wannabee dictator with a pen and a phone Section 1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state … Continue reading

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April 29 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record – Highest In 32 Years

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May 1: Almost 30% Of The Great Lakes Still Covered With Ice

GLCFS Products Forty years ago was the peak of the ice age scare, and the lakes were almost ice-free on this date Ice Charts – 1974 Winter / c74may02.jpg

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