Monthly Archives: May 2014

Time To Take Action

Forty thousand Americans get killed in automobile accidents every year, and millions more are injured. It is long past time for President Obama to take action, and sign an executive order banning automobile accidents – since Congress refuses to do … Continue reading

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Global Warming In The Hayhoe District

Katherine Hayhoe sees global warming as a test of her deep evangelical faith in the holy trinity of Gore/Pauchari/Hansen. The less evidence of warming, the more faith is required. The forecast high today in Crosbyton, Texas is 73 degrees, only 29 … Continue reading

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NASA Eliminates The 100% Consensus For Global Cooling

The EPA used to have this inconvenient document on their web site, showing about 0.2C cooling from 1940 to the 1960’s Figure 2-1. Global temperature trend for past century based on J. Hansen 1981 At the time, scientists unanimously agreed that the … Continue reading

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Would Stricter Gun Laws Have Prevented A Psychotic “Hunger Games” Spawn From Stabbing Three People To Death In Santa Barbara?

Progressive minds want to know.

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Target Practice

Shoot your television. Mine has been off for 20 years. Your television is the principal enabler of government and corporate slavery. However, don’t be an idiot like this guy- who is about to lose his eyesight and get a glass shard through his jugular … Continue reading

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Climate Scientists Are Smarter Now

In 1970, government climate scientists thought that cold was an indication of cold, but they are much more sophisticated now and know that record cold is caused by record heat.

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Inside The NOAA Tangled Web

NOAA claims that April was the warmest on record globally. April also saw the third highest global sea ice area since 1979, and the highest April Great Lakes ice coverage on record. Satellite data did not even remotely corroborate NOAA’s … Continue reading

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Antarctic Sea Ice Area Above Normal Every Day For The Past 30 Months

The world’s leading climatologist – James Hansen forecast that Antarctica would see peak sea ice loss, but Antarctic sea ice has been above normal every day for the past 30 months.

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Gun Control Has Always Made Government Objectives Much Easier To Accomplish

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Government Agenda : Making People Useless

Children used to be taught that their role in life was to be a farmer, doctor, lawyer, businessman, etc. Now the schools teach children that their job is to either save the planet, or get on the government dole and … Continue reading

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