Monthly Archives: May 2014

100 Days Until Al Gore’s Ice Free Arctic

During his 2007 Nobel prize acceptance speech, Al Gore predicted an ice-free Arctic in 2014. Earth only has ice for 100 more days. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut But first he needs to melt the ice off the … Continue reading

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Seven Years Since The World’s Leading Arctic Experts Spoke

In 2007, the world’s leading experts told us that the Arctic was going to melt very quickly The green circle below shows the date when they made their brilliant forecast. iphone.anomaly.arctic.png (512×412)

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2008 : Obama Promised To Make The VA The Leader In Health Care Reform

In 2008, Obama promised to make the VA “the leader in national health care reform”  Now he says he knows nothing about what goes on with VA health care, and blames other people for the VA health care problems. Veterans | … Continue reading

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What’s Up With That?

May 23, 2014 at 6:29 pm Sea Ice News Volume 5 #2 – NOAA forecasts above normal Arctic ice extent for summer 2014 | Watts Up With That? Perhaps my comment was rejected because it included a link to that … Continue reading

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1934 Heat, Drought And Extreme Weather Was Global

The heat and drought in the US during 1934 blew away all records, but it wasn’t just in the US – it was all over the world. Antarctica had their record warmest winter temperatures too. TimesMachine: June 6, 1934 – … Continue reading

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Memorial Day 80 Years Ago – 107F In Illinois

Illinois was a little cooler than  Wisconsin 80 years ago. It was only 107 degrees on Memorial Day weekend, 1934 – compared to 109F in Wisconsin.

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Decades Of Work Went Into Obama’s Election

It took decades to train progressives to hate themselves enough to eagerly elect someone who despises them, and wants to see them punished.

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Memorial Day Wasn’t Always Cold

Eighty years ago before the atmosphere overheated, Wisconsin was 109 degrees on Memorial Day weekend. Temperatures almost never get to 100 degrees in Wisconsin anymore, even in July.

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Progressives Say That Sunlight Reaching Solar Panels Buried in Snow, Will Melt The Snow Above It

You really can’t make up stupid like these people [youtube=]

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President Obama Says That A Cold Winter In Chicago Was Caused By Climate Change

“I know it’s hard to talk about global warming here in Chicago after this winter,” he said. “But everybody here understands that it’s changing weather patterns that are at stake here, with potentially devastating, catastrophic consequences.” Obama Admits: ‘Hard to … Continue reading

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