St. Lawrence Seaway Obliterates Their Ice Record

The first ship through the St. Lawrence Seaway was more than a month later than the previous record.

ScreenHunter_381 May. 12 14.00

First saltie needs help through the ice | River Towns

h/t to Bob Koss

NOAA says many years were colder in that region, because they tamper with data and make it meaningless.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to St. Lawrence Seaway Obliterates Their Ice Record

  1. Andy DC says:

    They can jack around with the temperature records, but not the Lakes ice.

    There was heavy snow today in central Nebraska. Snow this late in Denver is not shocking, but that far east it is extremely unusual. Plenty of low temperature records appear likely over the next several days.

  2. Andy says:

    Hey stop cherry picking !

    Why not report on this instead :-

    I guess it did not pass through the filtering machine.

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