The Rise Of The False Prophets

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to like lambs but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matthew 7:15)

Now we have an entire army of progressives claiming that they can see the future.

ScreenHunter_366 May. 12 07.36

Climate Change Is About To Hit Your Pocketbook… Hard | John McKay

Nobody has any idea what the weather will be like more than few days out, and anyone who says they do is lying.

In 2005, climate experts said Katrina was the new normal, and since 2005 the US hasn’t had any major hurricanes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to The Rise Of The False Prophets

  1. omanuel says:

    Yes, false prophets foolishly believed sixty-nine years (2014 – 1945 = 69 yrs) ago they could save the world from nuclear annihilation by hiding the source of energy that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, unaware that it is also the creator and sustainer of every atom, life and world in the solar system, the Sun’s pulsar core.

  2. Andy DC says:

    We have two choices, either pay no tax and have weather events, or pay a lot of tax and still have the same weather events that have always taken place.

  3. Shazaam says:

    Actually, this is likely some fancy spinmeistering to cover for the heavy-duty inflation train-wreck coming our way. (It ain’t gonna be pretty)

    The spend-thrift DC kleptocrats and their banker buddies have looted the treasury and left IOUs behind. When the party stops, they want someone or something else to blame.

    Thus when the truckloads of fecal matter hit the high-powered rotary impeller, the politicians are shaping the narrative to blame the massively higher prices on “climate change”.

    Thus the media stenographers are taking their orders and ginning-up the desired propaganda…

  4. One can only hope that John McKay is soon out of work & sucking dick for nickles in a Tim Horton’s bathroom.

  5. A C Osborn says:

    Of course they can predict it will hit us hard in the wallet, they are trying their hardest to make sure it happens.
    That is what it is all about.

  6. Bob Knows says:

    Climate change POLITICIANS are about to hit our pocketbooks hard, that’s more accurate. Its all about taking our money. And Huff&Puff is as much responsible for the criminal robbery as anyone else.

    Canadian insurance companies should be worried though. Despite Huff&Puff’s lies about warming, Canada will be in a heap of trouble as the ice takes over again. For most of the past 100,000 years much of Canada lay buried under a mile of ice. Probably it will again for most of the next 100,000 years. Canadians are betting that it won’t begin in their lifetimes. That bet could be a problem the way the sun has been acting lately, and what with such cold and ice this year.

  7. Brian H says:

    Geez, you’d think you could quote the Bible accurately. Flunk. Flop. Fail.

    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Bolding added.

  8. Brian H says:

    Sorry, unclosed italics tag.

  9. Brian H says:

    BTW, Katerina wasn’t even a minor hurricane, much less a major one, at landfall.

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