In 1975, climatologists were trying to warn politicians to take action against global cooling. Foolishly, the politicians turned a deaf ear, and refused to take even simple remedial steps like melting the Arctic with black soot.
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IN 1975, most of Germany was covered in black soot – in the winter time! Due to their use of coal as a fuel source and lack of pollution controls.
Did not seem to help the weather however.
Reblogged this on the WeatherAction Blog.
I remember it well. My high school homeroom teacher was an eco-whacko. I failed homeroom then as well.
How do you find those obscure newspaper articles?
I want to find an old newspaper article that I need.
It is harder than it used to be, because Google broke the ability to search their news archives by date. For eample, they can’t find any articles with the terms Obama and liar from 2009 to 2014
You could try here in the LA times archives
Well, there’s part of your problem.
Obama == Liar Thus you cannot refine your search with “Obama AND Liar”
Google is just trying to be ahead of the curve in the future use of the pejorative “obama” there.
Breaking the search-by-date appears to just be careless incompetence.
I believe it was a deliberate decision.
Or mathematically you’ve produced a query whose answer is ? so you got a divide-by-zero error.
You may be right about it being deliberate.
Using your link, it shows about 80 results.
If you replace “obama” with “bush”, you get about 3970 results.
If you use “clinton”, you get 4260 results.
Global cooling articles weren’t obscure back then.
The Chinese are covering the arctic with soot right now.
That cheap Chinese soot though, doesn’t last….
I’m still mystified how their search system works on archives – this is almost the same search, but something ?? came back with 80 hits:
Such as this Chicago Tribune article from Feb 22 2007:
“Obama, Clinton feud gets lively”,3302981
You didn’t apply a date to the search
Even using the drop down Custom option under Search Tools > Any Time breaks the search. In fact, anything other than ‘Any Time’ breaks it.
Can always try here: