The Guardian claims now that there never was an ice age scare. The one they said was coming fast in 1974.
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Nigel Calder who was there in the UK reporting on the coming ice age in the 1970s at the BBC.
Who was Nigel Calder?
Nigel also wrote “The Weather Machine and the Threat of Ice” (1974) published by the BBC.
On the sleeve “The threat of a new Ice age turns out to be more ominous than the experts thought, even a few years ago”.
Near the end of chapter 2, “The simplest and most likely reason is that the early part of this century represented a short break in the Little Ice Age, which is now resuming. The chief contrary hope must be that the cooling in the north that has proceeded since 1950 will reverse”.
The Global Cooling Scare Revisited (‘Ice Age’ Holdren had plenty of company)
A selection from that list
Gail, this is another example of your childishness. Holdren and Schneider were warning about the cooling effect of aerosols, which, during that period, were making the air in many US cities dangerous to breath. Holdren and Schneider were right, and we did something about it. We created the EPA, and the EPA cleaned up the air pollution. Mind you, they were removing aerosols that were causing health problems for a lot of people; they weren’t trying to avoid the cooling effect. Nevertheless, the cooling that Holdren and Schneider warned about ended, because we ended the aerosol pollution.
But now the cooling affect is back, because China, India, and others are spewing out more aerosol pollution than the US and Europe did in the 20th century. It is having a cooling effect, but those countries have now decided to clean up their acts, so that cooling effect will diminish.
There was no “Ice Age” scare in the 1970s. There were, however, serious warnings about aerosols. But we fixed the problem. That’s why the cooling ended.
Did you really not know that? You posted a lot of verbiage again, but you seem to be ignorant of what it is all about.
Amazing how Marty knows what drives cliamtes, when science does not.
Did you even read the article which was referenced? No matter how many times Steven posts articles from that Era talking about the possibility of an approaching ice age, you show up with your passive-aggressive BS, totally ignoring reality, and placing your own spun on it. I would imagine the only reason you haven’t been banned is because you’re fun to laugh at.
It is a newspaper article, not a peer-reviewed scientific paper, and it uses the term “Spaces satellites.” What other kind are there? You can’t prove the scientific community actually believed in a coming ice age by posting a newspaper article, especially one that refers to “Space satellites.”
In fact, during the period in question, scientific papers about the coming global warming massively outnumbered scientific papers about the coming global cooling.
Again Marty practices sexism!
He does not even bother to READ the TITLES much less the articles before attacking and thus makes a complete fool of himself.
You catch that little Alarmist Troll?
Kukla warned President Nixon!!!!
The result was the 1974 CIA report: “A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”
And that report says point blank.
Not a damned thing about Schneider’s and Hansen’s attempts to blame mankind.
I have actually argued (debate not possible) with educated people who claim there was never a “new ice age scare”. They say that there may have been a little idle speculation and a few Hollywood movies but that is all. But I was there! I was in university at the time and it was conventional wisdom that an ice age was coming.
By the way Tony, they were right. They had the timing wrong, but there is an ice age coming. Interglacials don’t last forever.
No, mark, it wasn’t conventional wisdom. The science published about a possible ice age was dwarfed by the science published about the increasing greenhouse effect.
>By the way Tony, they were right. They had the timing wrong, but there is an ice age
>coming. Interglacials don’t last forever.
Yes, mark, because the earth was cooling before the industrial revolution, and it would be cooling now, too, if we weren’t pumping 30+ gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.
So where is the peer reviewed list of all climate forcings, listed by hierarchy, and quantified?
And where in the peer reviewed literature can we find that natural variabilty has been disproven?
Like you I was in college taking chemistry in the late 1960s and early 70s. Just for fun I took a lot of geology courses. I even did a thesis paper in geology as well as in chemistry.
And yes the ice age scare was talked of the geology department. There was all this exciting new work and discoveries were coming thick and fast.
I was living and traveling in Europe during the ice age scare. I have always been a mountain loving freak, and spent as much time in the Alps as I could. The residents of mountain villages had been convinced by the scientific community that this global cooling was going to march alpine glaciers right through their scenic towns. I lived through it, and no wet behind the ears know-nothings can change that.
Gator, I was in Germany in 1974 -75. I too remember the worry about the glaciers (Got to ski the Zugspitze too.)
“No, mark, it wasn’t conventional wisdom. The science published about a possible ice age was dwarfed by the science published about the increasing greenhouse effect.”
This is an absolute lie. Is your religion so weak that you have to tell lies about the past? I studied science in the early 70s and it was accepted that there was a coming ice age.
Jumping on the bandwagon were several scientists who claimed that a war between the USA and Russia (if it went nuclear) would bring on “nuclear winter” and possibly destroy all life on earth. Ice was in baby!!
Someday, dishonest people will claim they did not believe in CO2 warms the planet — they will say, “hell, everyone knows that violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics”
~ Mark
Note that the warming eras have all been less warm each time during the holoscene.
Could you supply some of that published science on the greenhouse effect from that era? That way there would be some proof of what you say. And don’t tell me to go look for it; YOU made the claim, YOU back it up with facts. If you don’t, it will just prove what we already know, that you can’t back up your claims.
Sure. I think this was the first guy to publish on the greenhouse effect:
Martin you moron, pinroot said “from that era” … do try and stay on topic.
Now show the published science from that era. I still have one of my texts from that era – Inadvertent Climate Modification, MIT 1971 ( I bet Martin has no Climate texts or science texts for that matter of any vintage) & one of the interesting quotes is that the science sez temperatures should be increasing but they are actually falling …. hmm …. curious isn’t it Moron?
Hey markstoval! As a physics major and science geek back in the 70s, global cooling and possible ice age is what I was reading about at the time. When CAGW first began to become popularly reported, I remember thinking, “Warming? Really? I guess the trend has turned. It was supposed to get colder…”
Marty the Troll keeps thinking we are Gun-Toting Bible Thumping uneducated Bitter Clingers. The USDA pulled the underestimating crap too when they told their agents to address farmers at a grade school level. (Most farmers I know are college educated.)
Martin we haven’t exchange ideas before and I don’t expect we will in the future but I’ve read quite a few of your comments and must say you don’t concede points that have been won by others using factual data. It makes it pointless to discuss subjects with you since you apparently are unable to learn.
During the 60’s and 70’s there was in fact a well publicized scientific *opinion* that the risk of an ice age was real. The same lame alarms were used; it was coming on “faster than ever before” and “something must be done” by the eco-terrorists of the day (not the scientists BTW). There was no scientific consensus on the subject, but there was serious discussion in the scientific community, who had not assigned a cause. It was the non-scientist alarmists who hypothesized aerosols, there were no scientific studies to support that hypothesis.
I was there. It was just like the pseudo-scientific nonsense going on today. Everything old is new again.
Warmest year even coming up, the “hiatus” has already ended:
Looks like skeptic ideology is reaching bankruptcy, the much-touted hiatus has ended and Sun did not do it.
Yes, after massive adjustments, this graph of artifacts shows warming. So what? Even if it is warming, it is still well within the bounds of natural variability, and natural variability has never been disproven.
Skeptic ideology wins again!
Hey cj, if you think 2015 was warm, just wait to see 2016. There is no telling how much data tampering Gavin will do right before Trump fires him in January 2017
You douchebags are the same people who say Obama’s long form birth certificate is real. And making up the whole business that scanners make the letters into different layers. I made a video proving it’s fake and you dumb-ocrats just keep on lying about it. Check it out:
It may be true that the charts indicate that 2015 is the warmest year ever. The problem that sceptics have with that, is that the actual surface thermometers and satellite measurements say that it is NOT the warmest ever.
I would remind any readers that the chart is created by the same organization that claims unemployment is a healthy 5.0%, that the consumer price index is below 2% inflation, and that national debt is under control.
By the way, slightly off topic (not too far) here is a good article re “journalists.”
The Japan Meteorological Agency essentially receives its data and methodology from the NOAA.
And from NCDC..
They must know that this data is MASSIVELY corrupted.
The very first thing any REAL SCIENTIST would do would be to check the authenticity of the data they are using.
They must know that the NOAA/NCDC data is just a MASSIVE FABRICATION, totally unrelated to reality
VERY BAD SCIENCE on their behalf.
Not according to the (non-homogenized, non-altered) satellite data.
There is no such thing as non-altered satellite data. The satellite data isn’t even temperature data.
Thermometer data isn’t even temperature data. It only measures the level of a “fluid” in a glass “bulb” (add sneering sound to voice here) which we only interpret to be a temperature.
And our small minds are too feeble to read that simple instrument today. Recorded numbers will be changed ten years from now to correct for our inability to read a thermometer.
This is the new front; claim the satellite data is adjusted more than the surface data. I’ve encountered it several times/places over the past few months.
Funny… I remember when the satellites were being planned, the whole purpose was that they would provide more accurate data than the sparse and often ill-sited surface stations. Now that they are providing, uh, “inconvenient” data, they have suddenly ceased to be reliable. Funny…
winnipegboy said at 2:39 pm
… Recorded numbers will be changed ten years from now to correct for our inability to read a thermometer.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Only ten years from now? The GISS data for January 1880 has been changed at least 27 times since 2005. If I had 100% of the monthly publications
instead of a mere 70% I’m sure there would be a few more.
Here are the changes to that date made just this year:
Year Jan …
1880 -29 …
YYYY MM ?0.01°C
2015 2 -34
2015 3 -35
2015 4 -34
2015 6 -29
2015 7 -30
2015 11 -29
The data for UAH USA compared to the only pristine surface data in the world is an almost EXACT TREND MATCH.
The temperature data extraction methodology of the satellite is ABSOLUTELY VERIFIED.
Steve Case shows changes made to GISS data for January 1880 just in this year alone. I find that particularly damning and that should make it plain to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that the GISS record that is now being reported is a work of fiction. The public as a whole may be stupid, but not all of us are THAT stupid.×199.jpg
AGAIN, your ignorance is brought to the fore.
The data for UAH USA compared to the only pristine surface data in the world is an almost EXACT TREND MATCH.
The temperature data extraction methodology of the satellite is ABSOLUTELY VARIFIED.
There is no way you can get around this FACT. !
And you know it.. yet you keep up your PATHETIC pretence.
However NOAA refuses to give Congress and the public, who pays their salaries the information subpoenaed about their ever changing adjusted surface temperature estimates. A ‘product’ that does not deserve the name data.
Of course since Marty the Troll has no idea what VALIDATED and VERIFIED means or what a peer reviewed paper is, he will say this information should be discarded.
Hey Martin so Radiosonde balloon from FOUR data sets aint reliable either hahah
Martin says :
Sure. I think this was the first guy to publish on the greenhouse effect:
Are you citing Wikipedia as ‘peer reviewed?”
And BTW, if you want to cite Arrhenius, don’t forget to mention that he said that global warming would be a good thing. You can’t have one without the other. 🙂
Given several of the comments by M.Winston Smith lately, I do not think he even KNOWS what the words ‘peer reviewed’ actually means!
After all he calls the peer reviewed papers I have posted ‘Sciency stuff’ and Bloviating…
Well I will admit a lot of scientists bloviate. Dr. J. Scott Armstrong (Penn State) even wrote a paper “Bafflegab Pays,”
A new paper in Nature finds scientists have become carnival barkers…
But Vinkers and his colleagues think that the trend highlights a problem. “If everything is ‘robust’ and ‘novel’”, says Vinkers, then there is no distinction between the qualities of findings. “In that case, words used to describe scientific results are no longer driven by the content but by marketability.”
A BBC story here says the use of the word “robust” has gone up 15000% They write:
Despite working with facts, figures and empirical evidence, the world of science appears to have a growing addiction to hyperbole. Researchers at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands looked at four decades worth of medical and scientific publications, and found a significant upwards trend of positive words. We’ve all heard of those ”ground-breaking” studies or ”innovative” research projects. Dr Christiaan Vinkers – a psychiatrist at the Rudolf Magnus brain centre – was the main author of another ”very robust” report.
I am not at all surprised.
It goes with this one.
The FDA Underreports Scientific Misconduct In Peer-Reviewed Articles Actually there is ZERO effort to deal with bad articles or drugs passed via faked testing as can be seen in this article
Larry submitted some robust findings in support of the AGW hypothesis:
Thanks Colorado, they are very persuasive.